latest pre-built websites Archives - Be Theme Blog Where web designers come for inspiration Tue, 11 Dec 2018 11:46:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites Tue, 29 Nov 2016 15:28:41 +0000 The pre-built websites we have launched to date address the major website types and many the most popular website niches.  We are presently looking into the needs of the increasing number of web designers who are working with small businesses. Our support team has been listening to the suggestions of […]

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The pre-built websites we have launched to date address the major website types and many the most popular website niches.  We are presently looking into the needs of the increasing number of web designers who are working with small businesses.

Our support team has been listening to the suggestions of the design community, and we are responding to those suggestions.

We have launched four exciting pre-built websites this month to address the needs of web designers working in the following niche categories:

  • BeFireplace – a delightfully beautiful shop for firewood sales;
  • Betraining – a pre-built website destined to professionals and businesses in the training and consulting sectors;
  • BeCouturier – a modern, chic pre-built website ideally suited for fashion designers;
  • BeSurveyor – destined to those in the surveying profession.


Be Fireplace – Keeping that Cozy Fire Ready for Winter

Fireplaces on homes are quite common these days. Many older homes have them, and the trend in newly-built homes is for the owner to engage the services of an interior designer for the express purpose of adding an interior or exterior fireplace.

Since we identified with what appears to be a growing trend, we felt companies selling firewood would benefit from the launching of this cozy-looking pre-built website.

1 November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites

This pre-built websites video header nicely conveys the beautiful and cozy experience of watching the fire.

We wanted to find the best way to express this type of business. We decided that a video, such as the one used here, was all that was needed. Since the video is customizable, you can choose whatever one you want, to best satisfy the needs of your client.

This pre-built website is e-commerce optimized, so we added a gallery of available products right after the header to give the user an easy and satisfying UX.

2-3 November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites

A high level of clarity, as displayed in the product page, greatly simplifies the user’s shopping experience.


Be Training – Helps Trainers Get More Visibility Online

When we built BeTraining, our approach was to present a clearly structured pre-built website that used only the basic pages, such as programs, an event calendar, an about page, and a contact page. We also created BeTraining with the objective of providing professional trainers and consultants, along with training agencies and larger institutions, an opportunity to increase their online visibility.

If the format of this versatile pre-built website suits your web design objective, well and good. You can of course customize it for any professional or agency that offers training, coaching, classes, workshops, etc.

3-3 November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites

            This homepage provides a quick look into the most recent event section articles.

Scroll down the home page, and you’ll find an area the explains the services offered, a section about the business and its owner or owners, and a section that provides contact information, including a map. Additional sections could easily be customized to present images of from the workshop or training facility, or to describe and illustrate offline events.

4-3 November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites

Showing the trainer’s services, always an important section.


Be Couturier –  Where Fashion Meets Web Design Coolness

A couturier website should convey uniqueness and a feeling of luxury. We created BeCouturier because of our awareness of the rising trend in the number of people opening tailoring businesses. This is in response to a growing consumer demand for unique and attractive custom made clothes. As you would expect, our pre-built website conveys this same sense of uniqueness and luxury.

5-3 November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites

Notice how the white space helps the user focus on the header images, while at the same time conveying a feeling of relaxation.

As you examine BeCouturier in detail, you’ll see how we generously use white space to transmit a feeling of elegance. The offer, together with other items of clothing, are on display, plus there is a section about the professional tailors that you, as a client, could be working with.

The pre-built structure also features a page destined to the fashion studio itself, where photos can be added along with the studio’s story. A gallery with realizations, a page communicating the offer, and a contact page, complete the picture.

6-2 November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites

                     Clothes made in the couturier’s studio are highlighted in the gallery.



Be SurveyorA corporate presentation pre-built website

At first glance, this pre-built website’s content would appear to cover all aspects of the surveying business quite well. There are however, many different ways in which the services of surveyors and surveying companies are rendered.

Consequently, when we designed and built BeSurveyor, our approach was to make it easy to transform and customize the branding and content, to be certain it will be easy to use for the entire spectrum of surveying business clients.

7-2 November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites

On the home page, you will see the areas that communicate basic information about the company and its services. Past and present clients and testimonials are features many business will want to include, and these could easily be incorporated if desired.

The menu includes the about page, the services page, a certificates page, and a contact page. The services page makes good use of modern icons and white space while providing the basic information a potential client might be looking for.

A certificates page is an especially important feature for businesses operating in the surveying domain. In this case, the user can open a PDF file to display any of several certificates. The contact page nicely presents all the information a potential client needs – including a map, telephone number and address, and an e-mail form.

8-1 November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites

            Custom, domain-oriented icons helps to convey a corporate, yet friendly, atmosphere.

The post November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

May: Latest Pre-Built Websites for WordPress Mon, 30 May 2016 10:17:13 +0000 Web designers like to keep up with the latest trends. This is partly due to a desire for technical self-improvement and increased productivity, partly because of the competitive nature of the industry, and partly out of curiosity about all things technical. Be Theme, with its large and ever-growing collection of […]

The post May: Latest Pre-Built Websites for WordPress appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Web designers like to keep up with the latest trends. This is partly due to a desire for technical self-improvement and increased productivity, partly because of the competitive nature of the industry, and partly out of curiosity about all things technical.

Be Theme, with its large and ever-growing collection of pre-built websites, has long been a web designer’s favorite. While the number of these pre-built websites continues to grow, giving designers added options to work with, other things are happening as well.

Although Be Theme keeps getting bigger and bigger, it is at the same time, constantly improving in terms of its quality and performance. The professionally-designed pre-built websites are continuously being improved upon as well, and with their strong focus on online marketing, they represent a growing trend in web design.


What The May Launch of Pre-Built Websites Has in Store for You

New pre-built websites are currently being released on a weekly basis. In the 2 years since the first releases of these WordPress website-building tools, Be Theme has assembled a collection of over 200.

Be Car

car May: Latest Pre-Built Websites for WordPress

Notice the lines of design, and how your attention is directed immediately toward the product. The openness of the background makes it possible to balance the logo, the unique value proposition, and the menu, to perfection so as to not draw attention away from the car. The icon area directs you to the car’s features and strengths.


Be Make-up

makeup May: Latest Pre-Built Websites for WordPress

This one-page website is dedicated to the professional makeup artist. The information you need to know about this business is clearly presented.  Icons point you to the services available, followed by the gallery, pricing information, business location, and the contact information.


Be Architect2 architect2 May: Latest Pre-Built Websites for WordPress

Laced with special effects, yet casual and not the least bit overwhelming, this website is well suited for a small architecture agency or freelancing architect. “We in numbers” is a clever and informative alternative to the the traditional “About” page, and the slider is an excellent way of presenting a gallery. All in all, this clean and crisp website design is befitting for an architecture studio.


Be Wedding2

wedding2 May: Latest Pre-Built Websites for WordPress

Beautiful and innovative, this pre-built website is a perfect choice for a tech-savvy couple making plans for their wedding. The day the wedding is to take place follows the hero shot of the couple to be wed, which is in turn followed by a gallery that could tell the story of a wonderful love affair. Separate pages provide the details friends, family, and invitees need to know. A countdown adds a nice touch.


Be Technics

technics May: Latest Pre-Built Websites for WordPress

Be Technics is dedicated to small electronics businesses or agencies. This pre-designed website is so well structured that you can almost visualize the lines of some very clean code. The product line is well presented, while the icons point the viewer to the various services offered. The hero image manages to convey a professional, yet at the same time, a relaxed and somewhat informal, atmosphere.


Be Aquapark

aquapark May: Latest Pre-Built Websites for WordPressA welcoming statement and introduction, an image depicting fun and enjoyment, a menu, and even a call to action, all fit nicely on this home page, while still leaving plenty of open space. The main attractions are well presented. The See All button invites you to investigate the attractions in greater detail. There’s also a map and pricing information.


How to Edit a Pre-made Layout Quickly

This video, which takes slightly over a minute of your time to watch, shows you how to install a pre-made layout and initiate the editing process. The video appears to move along at lightning speed, but you’ll be building pages at the same rate in no time at all. Be Theme is like that – fast and easy.

It takes but a single click of the mouse, or a tap of your finger, to install a layout. A couple of clicks later, in less time than it took you to watch the video, you are off and running.


Be Themes Main Features

The following features are those you will find of greatest importance when building your websites.

  • Drag and Drop Muffin Builder – The latest edition of this premium page builder, Muffin Builder 3, working in tandem with the Admin Panel and Shortcode Generator, gives you extremely powerful page-building capabilities.
  • Admin Panel – The versatile Muffin options panel allows you to customize a page or theme easily and simply, and it eliminates any need for coding while building your website.
  • Layouts Configurator – This versatile feature allows you to build an unlimited variety of custom layouts. It also makes it easy to give one or more pages of the same website a different look and feel.
  • Shortcode Generator – The Shortcode Generator is an invaluable website-building tool, and together with a library of 200+ shortcodes, it’s easy to introduce fine detail and special effects on a page without having to resort to code.
  • Lifetime Updates – We work hard to ensure that Be is up to date. We take customer feedback seriously, and we take good care of our product. By doing so, we help you take good care of your business.

Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook, and keep up to date on our latest pre-built website releases on our blog!

The post May: Latest Pre-Built Websites for WordPress appeared first on Be Theme Blog.
