Website footer examples that should inspire you Be Theme Blog
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Website footer examples that should inspire you

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The website footer is an integral part of any website, but it is often overlooked during development. Upon reaching the footer, a visitor will decide whether your site is interesting or not. Since it is basically at the end of your website, having a good footer design might make all the difference.

Website footer design is the last component in the whole look of your website. There is no one good footer example because not every template works in all cases. When you take into account that website footers are often neglected, having a great one could give your website a competitive edge.

Web designers often focus mostly on the header and home page, which usually leaves you with a basic footer. However, you have to keep in mind that if you want your website to succeed, every part is equally important.

What makes a good footer?


While the footer can be different from one site to another, usually it contains contact information and links to other pages on the site. The footer on your website could become another source of valuable information for your visitors. A footer that is well-designed, optimized, and easy to navigate could significantly improve your site.

You can use the footer to tell a story about your company or to share some information that is essential to the visitors. Also, you can take it one step further and add another menu for easier navigation or a subscription box for your newsletter. As you can see, there are many possibilities to use the footer to improve your website.

Furthermore, your website doesn’t have to end with the footer. Instead, you could add call-to-action buttons, links to social networks or a feedback form. Having a good footer design can also increase your conversion rate.

What can you add into footer?


One of the most common features you can find in a website footer is a “back to top” button or link. The function of this feature is quite simple – user clicks on the link or a button and the website scrolls to the top. This can especially be useful if you have a long homepage.

There is an option for users to just click on “Home” button on the keyboard, but it is easier for them if it is right there, in the footer. There are two usual places where you can insert this feature – on top or the bottom of the footer.


Many excellent footer examples you can find on the web have call-to-action (CTA) buttons or widgets. It is known that CTA can increase conversion rate. Inserting a CTA into your footer could help users make up their mind about your products or services.



The easiest way to protect your website from online plagiarism is to add the current year and copyright symbol right next to the name of the site in the footer. Copyright is often the only thing on footers on some sites.


If your website has a large number of links, you probably can’t put them all in the footer. What you can do is show a smaller site map along with a link to the full site map.

Privacy policy


After the copyright, this is another pretty common component found in the website footers. Usually, it contains just a link toward the page where the complete privacy policy is shown. This policy explains how the site collects information, how they store it and how is that data used.


This component of the website footer has a link to “Terms and conditions” or “Terms of use” page. By visiting that page, the users can see what they are agreeing to just by using the site.

Search widget


Placing the search widget in the footer may prove to be quite useful to your visitors. Maybe someone comes to your website, scrolls all the way to the footer and doesn’t find the information they were looking for. Instead of going back and forth, they can type what they are looking for in the search box and get results. What’s great about this is that a visitor is not going to leave your site until he or she checks out the search results.


Having a sitemap in the website footer is quite common, but it is not there to help visitors. Since it links to HTML version of the sitemap, it helps search engines find pages easier.

Social media links or buttons


Adding social media links or buttons is a must. Since most of the websites place them in the footer, that is the best place for them. Because of this, it is likely that visitors are going to look for links to your social media profiles at the end of the page. Furthermore, if those buttons are below, visitors will have to scroll more and be longer on your website.

Ideally, when a visitor clicks on a button leading to one of your social media channels, it will open in a new tab. This is recommended because you want the visitor to remain on your site while checking out your social media profiles.

So, if you manage Instagram accounts or have a Facebook page, make sure to include social media icons on your website, preferably in a prominent and easily accessible location.


Gathering emails of your visitors is essential for email marketing. It enables you to contact them with special offers or send them your newsletter. If a user likes your website, they are more likely to subscribe, so make sure that they are able to do so.

Various widgets


Many different widgets might be useful for you to place in your website footer. Lots of small features you can add include Archives, Recent Posts, Recent Comments, Categories, Calendar etc.


We’ve covered some of the most common features you can add to your website footer. However, you don’t have to stop here, because there are many more interesting examples of how to make your footer stand out. Read on for more footer design ideas.

Interesting footer examples:


Ditto is a company selling modern eye wear. Their website has a really exciting design,and the whole process of purchase is innovative. Their footer only contains form enabling anyone to become their partner.



Usually, sites that are selling services or products put call-to-action in the header, making it the first thing that a visitor sees. Karma is an interesting example of how you can put another CTA in the website footer, to sway undecided visitors.

Those users who are not yet sure whether they should sign up, get to the other call-to-action at the end of the website. The second CTA is inserted on every page, with a large button that cannot be missed.

Mom & Popcorn


When you first open this website, you can’t miss that it is about popcorn. Their footer is quite simple, but effective. It contains a subscription box, social media buttons and menu for easy navigation. Mom & Popcorn want their visitors to subscribe so that they can let them know when new flavors are available.

Site Inspire


This is a website gathering interesting designs of other sites and displaying them in a gallery to inspire their visitors.

Their footer is functional and efficient while being minimalistic. This is an excellent example of a footer that contains all the necessary things that a visitor might need but in a simplistic form. Users can find all they need at the bottom of the page, which may lead to them staying longer.



Tapbots is a small company creating apps for MacOS and iOS. What makes their website different is the large footer featuring three illustrations of their employees. Apart from that, footer contains some basic info about the company and links to social media channels.

The footer fits perfectly in the design of the whole website and it is a great example of how footer can become an integral part of a site.

Urban Pie


This company based in the UK has only one goal – to make the best gourmet pies. Their website is simple, with the homepage looking more like a blog than a traditional webpage.

The website footer is entirely different than what you can usually see on other sites. It features copyright info at the bottom,and the rest is just a gallery of photos of pies linked to posts on the website.

Web designer wall


Web designer wall is a website dedicated to bringing news related to web design and various tutorials for designers. It is no surprise that their footer is beautifully designed. It has only the basic info, along with “back to top” link. Furthermore, the footer is separated by a thin, dark line from the rest of the website.

Keep in mind that, for branding reasons, your website footer should have the logo of your own company. Invest some time into finding out what kind of footer works best for your website. Sometimes simple footer with only the necessary information works best.

FAQ on website footers

What's the main purpose of a website footer?

Ah, footers! They're like the unsung heroes of a website. Their main gig? To provide essential information and navigation options. Think of them as the "credits" at the end of a movie. They often house contact details, links to important pages, copyright info, and sometimes even a sitemap. It's all about guiding your visitors and giving them the deets they might need.

Why do some websites have super detailed footers?

You've seen those, right? Some websites just pack their footers with a ton of stuff. It's because they want to maximize the utility of that space. For content-rich sites or e-commerce platforms, a detailed footer can help users navigate to various sections, offer quick links to policies, or even highlight some promotional stuff. It's like a mini-directory of the whole website.

Is it necessary to include a copyright notice?

Ah, the good ol' copyright notice. It's like planting a flag on your digital property. While it's not legally required, it's a good practice. It tells folks, "Hey, this content? It's mine." Plus, it can deter some from copying your stuff. But remember, just having the notice doesn't grant you full protection; you'd need to register for that.

How important is footer navigation compared to header navigation?

Imagine you're reading a long article and you reach the bottom. Now, instead of scrolling all the way up, wouldn't it be neat to have some handy links right there? That's where footer navigation shines. While the header is the main star for navigation, the footer acts as a backup singer, providing support and ensuring users have options wherever they are on the page.

Can I put social media links in the footer?

Absolutely! In fact, it's a popular spot for them. While many sites showcase their social icons prominently at the top, having them in the footer ensures that they're accessible from anywhere on the page. It's like saying, "Hey, if you liked our stuff, come hang with us on our social channels too!"

What about privacy policies and terms of service?

Oh, those are super important, especially with all the regulations floating around. The footer is the go-to spot for these links. It's like the universal sign of "Here's the serious stuff you might want to check out." Always a good idea to have them easily accessible to keep things transparent with your visitors.

How often should I update my website footer?

It's not like updating your status on social media, but you should give your footer some love now and then. Whenever there are changes in your site structure, policies, or even branding elements, give that footer a little refresh. It's like giving your shoes a polish; keeps things looking and functioning sharp.

Can I use the footer for SEO purposes?

You bet! While you shouldn't stuff it with keywords (that's so 2005), you can definitely use it strategically. Including relevant links and using semantically rich anchor text can give your SEO a little boost. It's like planting little SEO seeds at the bottom of your page.

Should the footer design match the rest of the website?

100%! Consistency is key in design. Your footer might be at the bottom, but it's still part of the overall look and feel. Think of it as the final note in a song; it should resonate with the rest of the melody. So, keep the colors, fonts, and style in harmony with the rest of your site.

Any cool trends in website footer design I should know about?

Oh, where to start? Design trends come and go, but some cool ones include interactive footers, footers with illustrations or animations, and even footers that play with asymmetry. It's like the fashion world; sometimes, it's all about making a statement. Just remember, whatever trend you pick, make sure it aligns with your brand and enhances the user experience.

Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.