WordPress Archives - Be Theme Blog Where web designers come for inspiration Thu, 09 May 2024 08:50:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Oopsie! WordPress Images Not Displaying So Let’s Fix That https://muffingroup.com/blog/wordpress-images-not-displaying/ Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:01:58 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=8571 Troubleshooting in WordPress can be tedious. Without an easy guide to follow, users spend hours trying to fix the issues.

The post Oopsie! WordPress Images Not Displaying So Let’s Fix That appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

The post Oopsie! WordPress Images Not Displaying So Let’s Fix That appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL https://muffingroup.com/blog/remove-category-from-wordpress-url/ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:08:58 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=7662 You have probably noticed that WordPress automatically includes the category prefix in the URL slug of your site. Each category has its own archive page, so this feature keeps the content well organized.

The post How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

You have probably noticed that WordPress automatically includes the category prefix in the URL slug of your site. Each category has its own archive page, so this feature keeps the content well organized.

Usually, the prefix doesn\’t need to be removed. It helps visitors understand the structure of your page.

However, sometimes it can be beneficial to remove a category from a WordPress URL. This article explores some valid reasons for taking the prefix out. You’ll also learn how to do it.

Reasons to Remove Category From WordPress URL

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The category prefix is part of the URL slug. As any SEO conscious website developer or owner, your goal is to optimize this feature.

What exactly does URL slug refer to? It is the part of your address that comes right after the domain name. It identifies the resource, a specific page on your site. The slug tells search engines where to find your web page. Moreover, visitors can understand from the keywords what the page is about.

Slugs are usually generated by default from a page title, but they can be changed manually. Ideally, a clean SEO friendly URL contains only meaningful and relevant keywords. They should be intuitive and easy to understand by both search engines and visitors.

That\’s the reason why some developers may decide to remove the category prefix from the URL.

Let\’s have a look at an example of what it could look like if you remove a category from a WordPress URL:

If the original slug was ‘yoursite.com/category/best-seo-practices’, the modified slug would be ‘yoursite.com/best-seo-practices’.

The link in the example above now looks cleaner while it still includes the keywords which are important for SEO. A visitor who found your page using a search engine will also directly see the content he was looking for.

If you modify the permalinks of your site, make sure you redirect old URLs to your new ones. Otherwise, users visiting the old category page will run into an error.

So far, we’ve explained why you may decide to remove categories and what you should be careful about.

Here are some tips on how to take the prefix out of the URL slug.

Modifying Category Base Prefix

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Some developers don\’t mind the length of the URL slug, but they want to personalize it.

In such a case, you can change the Category base. Instead of \’Category\’, you can customize the prefix to \’Articles\’, \’Topics\’, \’Blog\’, \’Genre\’, \’Tutorials\’, or similar.

To demonstrate what the edited slug will look like, we can use the same example mentioned earlier.

If the original slug was ‘yoursite.com/category/best-seo-practices’, the new URL could be ‘yoursite.com/articles/best-seo-practices’.

You can modify the category base prefix if you go to the Settings in your WordPress admin.

Go to your admin dashboard.

Go to Settings >> Permalinks >> Optional >> Category base.

Enter your customized category base (e.g. \’Articles\’)

Save the changes.

By making this modification, you can personalize the category prefix in your WordPress URL. But you may decide to completely remove it.

Remove Category in WordPress Permalinks

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This is an option that allows you to take out the Category prefix completely by modifying your site\’s permanent link settings.

Here is the process described step by step:

Connect to your WordPress dashboard.

Go to Settings >> Permalinks.

Go to Custom Structure and put ‘/%category%/%postname%/’.

Go to Category Base and type in a dot “. “.

Save the changes.

The category prefix was removed by typing the dot in the Category Base field. If the field is left blank, WordPress will use the default prefix.

Removing Category by Adding a Code in functions.php File

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Removing-Category-by-Adding-a-Code-in-functions.php-File How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL

Another way to remove a category from a WordPress URL is by typing in a code in functions.php.

This option will not work if you have already modified the category base settings and replaced or removed the word \’category\’ from your URL slug.

In order to add the code, follow this process:

Go to your WordPress dashboard.

Select Appearance >> Theme Editor.

Find ‘functions.php’.

Type the following code before the last PHP tag:

 function remove_category( $string, $type ) { if ( $type != \'single\' && $type == \'category\' && ( strpos( $string, \'category\' ) !== false ) ) { $url_without_category = str_replace( \"/category/\", \"/\", $string ); return trailingslashit( $url_without_category ); } return $string; } add_filter( \'user_trailingslashit\', \'remove_category\', 100, 2);

Using Yoast\’s SEO Plugin to Remove Category from WordPress URL

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Using-Yoasts-SEO-Plugin-to-Remove-Category-from-WordPress-URL How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL

Yoast SEO is a search engine optimization plug-in for WordPress. It comes with many useful features.

One of the many functions it offers is the possibility to help you remove the category prefix. So if you\’re already using this plugin, this may be another easy way to customize your URL look, without adding or changing any code.

Before you use this procedure, make sure that you haven\’t modified the Category Base settings in permalinks.

Follow the steps below to take the category prefix out:

Go to your WordPress dashboard.

Select Yoast SEO >> Search Appearance>> Taxonomies

Go to Category URLs and select ‘Remove the categories prefix’.

Save the changes.

Modifying .htaccess to Remove Category From WordPress URL

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Besides using a plugin or any of the other options mentioned earlier, you can also remove the category prefix by adding a code to your .htaccess file.

You can access the file either via FTP or cPanel. If you can\’t find the .htaccess file, check if your file manager is set up to show hidden files (dotfiles).

Here are the instructions:

Go to your .htaccess file.

Add the following code after the closing tag in the file:

<p>RewriteRule ^category/(.+)$ http://www.site.com/$1 [R=301,L]</p>
Write your domain name in place of www.site.com in the code above.

Upload it on your server\’s public_html directory.

Using the Remove Category URL Plugin

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The next option you have when trying to modify your URL slug is the Remove Category URL plugin.

This plugin completely removes the category prefix. It\’s easy to use and doesn\’t require any configuration. It also redirects old category permalinks to the new ones.

However, before installing more plugins, try another method first. Some plugins can negatively affect the loading speed of your site.

If you decide to install this tool, these are the steps:

Go to your WordPress dashboard.

Select Plugins >> Add new

Type ‘Remove Category URL’ in the ‘Search plugins’ box.

Click on ‘Install now’.

After it has been installed, click on ‘Activate’.

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Another plugin that can assist you with removing the category prefix is FV Top Level Categories. It is simple to use and light on code. It automatically redirects old category permalinks to the new ones.

Ending thoughts on how to remove category from WordPress URL

Each time you create a new category in WordPress, an archive page for that category is automatically generated. The \’category\’ prefix is by default included in the URL slug.

Although categories add some structure to your content, there are some good reasons to remove the category base.

Trimming the unnecessary wordiness while keeping the important keywords in the URL slug can help the site\’s SEO.

It also improves the readability of the link and makes it easier for visitors to identify the content they are looking for.

There are a few effective ways to remove categories. Changing the permalinks is one option.

Plugins can do the job too. If you\’re already using the Yoast SEO plugin, you can benefit from its many useful features, including the option to remove categories.

There are other plugins too, such as those suggested in this article.

If you feel confident adding a code, you can remove the category prefix in the .htaccess or functions.php file.

Any of the above-mentioned methods will help you achieve the desired customized and SEO friendly look of your URL slug. These steps have been tried and are safe to use.

If you enjoyed reading this article about remove category from WordPress URL, you should read these as well:

WordPress updating failed: How to fix this error

WordPress Posting to Facebook Done Automatically

How To Reorder Pages In WordPress Easily

WordPress Failed to Import Media: What to Do Now?

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The post How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

How to Fix the “Currently Unable To Handle This Request” Error https://muffingroup.com/blog/currently-unable-to-handle-this-request/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 16:30:44 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=7621 Running into the 500 – Internal Server Error is not an unusual complication. In fact, the 'currently unable to handle this request' is among the most common issues encountered.

The post How to Fix the “Currently Unable To Handle This Request” Error appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Running into the 500 – Internal Server Error is not an unusual complication. In fact, the \’currently unable to handle this request\’ is among the most common issues encountered.

At first, it may not be easy to identify the reason for the error. This article presents some possible causes and tips on how to fix the problem.

Possible Causes

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Possible-Causes How to Fix the "Currently Unable To Handle This Request" Error

There is no direct answer to what could be the cause of the error. The HTTP 500 message states that the server can’t handle the request because of an unexpected condition.

The problem may lie in browser cache, third-party themes and plugins, or PHP memory limit. It could also be due to a broken .htaccess file.

Problems with file and folder permissions could also prevent the operation from completing.

Some possible causes of the issue include:

Browser cache problem

Broken files in the WordPress installation

Database server problems

Plugin issue

Theme issue

Broken .htaccess file

File and folder permission

Exceeded PHP memory limit

PHP timeout

Fatal PHP errors with third-party plugins

Broken WordPress core files

WordPress database corrupted

Incorrect database login credentials

Do not hesitate or wait for too long before fixing it. In fact, it’s best to resolve this 500- Internal server error issue asap.

If not, it could have a negative impact on your Google ranking.

The 500 error occurs when the application is incorrectly configured or is due to server instability.

The server error affects access to your site. Unfortunately, search engines favor well-maintained pages.

The reoccurrence of the error can lead to a significant decrease in pages crawled by day. This will affect your SEO.

So try to fix the problem before Google takes action. Here are some tips on how to restore a website when experiencing the ‘unable to handle this request’ error.

Go to the Error Log

The error log can help to identify what the problem is. It keeps track of errors and records them.

By accessing the file, users can quickly see what went wrong.

If checking the error log isn’t possible, then use the WordPress debugging mode. Debugging enables users to find bugs – errors and failures – and remove them.

Do this by inserting the following code into the wp-config.php file:

<p>define( \'WP_DEBUG\', true );</p>
<p>define( \'WP_DEBUG_LOG\', true );</p>
<p>define( \'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY\', false );</p>
<p>Logs are usually found in the /wp-content directory.</p>

Page Refresh

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Before digging deeper to find out what happened, try to wait and refresh the page. The problem could be a temporary host or server overload.

A temporary timeout can occur after updating a plugin or theme on your site. This is not a serious problem though.

Usually a page reload helps to get the site running again. Opening the site in a different browser could also fix the problem.

Modify the PHP Memory Limit

The 500 Internal server error can also occur when users exceed the PHP memory limit. Users may run into this problem when logging in or uploading media to wp-admin.

By upgrading the PHP memory, it increases the amount of memory one PHP process can use. After that, reload the page to check if the problem resolves.

Users can change the PHP memory limit either by using a constant, or by creating a blank file.

Editing the wp-coding file

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Users can modify the PHP memory limit by editing the wp-coding file.

First, locate the wp-config.php file in the WordPress root directory. Next, find a file called WP_MEMORY_LIMIT and enter the value of \’64M\’.

Alternatively, change the PHP memory limit to 64M by typing the following:

<p>define(\'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT\', \'64M\');</p>

Create a ‘php.ini’ blank file

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This process follows these steps:

Create a blank text file called php.ini

Insert the following code: memory=64MB

Save the file and upload it into the /wp-admin/ folder using FTP

Note that this is not a permanent solution and you still need to find the root cause of the problem. Analyze the resource usage with different plugins on and off.

Fixing Corrupted .htaccess File

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The .htaccess file contains instructions for the website\’s server. It is a configuration file and it\’s located in the WordPress root directory.

The \’currently unable to handle this request\’ message can point to an error in this file.

To access the .htaccess file in WordPress, it’s necessary to connect to the website through FTP. Then go to the root directory, where the wp-admin and wp-content files are.

The .htaccess file should be also listed there. If you can’t find the .htaccess file in the root folder, it may not exist yet.

If it is there, the next step is to rename the file to .htaccess_old. Then, to recreate this file re-save the permalinks in WordPress.

This new .htaccess file will contain proper rewrite rules. Finally, go to the site and check if the error has been resolved.

Disable Plugins

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The 500 Internal Server Error is often caused by a third party plugin. To test if this is the cause of the problem, disable all your plugins.

Don\’t worry about losing any data.

It’s possible to deactivate the plugins through the wp-admin dashboard. Select Plugins and \’deactivate\’.

Then reload the site and check if it works.

If the site is back on, turn the plugins on one by one and check how each of them affects the site. When the 500 Error appears again it\’s caused by the last reactivated plugin.

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If it’s not possible to access the wp-admin dashboard, connect via FTP to the server. Locate the plugins folder and change the name to plugins_old or plugins_testing.

This will disable the plugins. After that, reload the site to see if the error has disappeared.

If the site is running, change the name to \’plugins\’ again and then test each plugin one by one. Once you find the faulty plugin, delete it, replace it or contact the developer.

Deactivate the Theme

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Another cause of the 500 Internal Server Error could lie in the customized site theme. Users can deactivate it when they rename it.

Then refresh the site to check if it\’s working again. Another option is to switch the theme to the default WordPress theme and try reloading the page.

If using a child theme, try to deactivate the parent theme.

WordPress Core Files Reinstallation

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If the core files are corrupted, users can fix this error by reinstalling them. It\’s important to create a backup before starting.

This step won\’t affect the plugins or themes.

The process starts by going to the WordPress site and downloading the latest version of WP. This will create a ZIP file.

Once downloaded, extract all its content to the computer. Then delete the wp-content folder.

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Next, access the host via FTP and upload the wp-includes and wp-admin files to the root folder. Overwrite the existing target file.

This will overwrite all of the core WordPress files without affecting any of the themes or plugins.

Now return to the site and check if it\’s working.

Seek Professional Help

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The tips and solutions suggested in this article should resolve the most common problems that lead to the HTTP 500 Error.

But if none of it works, you should contact the web hosting provider. An expert can check the server logs and provide the right help.

It can be due to a server issue, such as PHP timing out or fatal PHP errors with third-party plugins. It will be difficult to fix these errors without the assistance of the host.

Ending thoughts on the currently unable to handle this request error

There are several factors that can cause the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress. It is an issue that requires quick action because it can affect your ranking on Google.

The easiest and quickest steps to take are to refresh the page, check error logs, and clear the browser cache.

If this doesn\’t help, see if there is a problem with the theme or plugins. You can also modify the PHP memory limit and file and folder permissions.

Sometimes it may be necessary to recreate the .htaccess file or re-upload the WordPress core files.

In other cases don\’t hesitate to ask the web host for assistance.

If you enjoyed reading this article about currently unable to handle this request error, you should read these as well:

The pros and cons of WordPress as a CMS for your website

WordPress updating failed: How to fix this error

How to Revert WordPress to Previous Version

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The post How to Fix the “Currently Unable To Handle This Request” Error appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Polylang vs WPML: Which translation plugin should you use? https://muffingroup.com/blog/polylang-vs-wpml/ Wed, 18 Oct 2023 12:10:01 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=5170 WordPress was originally developed to be a blogging tool, and not really a full CMS solution. This is one of the reasons why it does not support multi-language

The post Polylang vs WPML: Which translation plugin should you use? appeared first on Be Theme Blog.


If you want your website to reach users in foreign countries, you will need to enlist the aid of a WordPress translation plugin. When you are creating a multilingual website, you want to get the best translation possible. Two of the most popular, multilingual WordPress plugins today are Polylang vs WPML, and we are going to compare and explain them for you.

WordPress was originally developed to be a blogging tool, and not really a full CMS solution. This is one of the reasons why it does not support multi-language. Many businesses, especially the ones that are outside the United States, generally need their websites to include at least two languages. According to WordPress.com, more than 30% of the content that they host is written in languages other than English.

If you want to make the right decision on which multi-language tool you should use, you will first need to know what your options are. So, let us help explain more about Polylang and WPML.

Create A Multilingual WordPress By Using A Plugin

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multingual Polylang vs WPML: Which translation plugin should you use?


Many website owners have a mix of manual translation and automatic translation. The manual options are usually done using translators, while the automated translations are done using a plugin that gets the files done.

One disadvantage of the manual option is that it can take a long time in order to complete translation,while the automation plugins can make translation faster, but may leave you with some mistranslated phrases that need to be corrected.

While not ideal, both situations will likely occur if you choose to use WordPress multisite, multilingual channels. Making sure that translations are done correctly is very important for both the user and the owner.

What is Polylang?

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Polylang is one of the most popular choices when users want to manage their content in multiple languages on their WordPress website. You can use the plugin to translate posts, menus, pages, and so on.The Polylang plugin, together with WPML, takes original posts and creates a duplicate version of it that contains the manual translation of the original.

What this multi-language WordPress plugin does is download the WordPress language package and update it, so no matter what language option you have, you can be sure that you will have the right language pack with the Polylang.

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Currently, Polylang it is used by more than 400,000 users,which says a lot about its quality, accessibility, and dependability. As the plugin doesn’t have any other extra tables, you shouldn’t encounter any problems when using it. Since Polylang doesn’t use a lot of memory, you will also find that it is compatible with many cache plugins as well.

What is WPML?

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WPML is one of the mostwell-known WordPress translation plugins that you can get today. While it is quite an old update,this doesn’t mean that WPML doesn’t still have support and updates. There are some license options to choose from if you want to create a multi-language version of store sites, for example.This plugin canbe used to display almost any aspect of your WordPress website in different languages, from posts, to pages, and so on.

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WPMLcan also be used in order to display a multilingual version of plugin content, the WordPress admin area, widgets, and much more. Depending on the licensing you choose, you can also create and manage multilingual versions of your WooCommerce-powered store.

Polylang vs WPML: How to translate your content


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polylang-how-to-translate Polylang vs WPML: Which translation plugin should you use?


In terms of user-friendly options, many have found that both Polylang and WPMLare a bit challenging to use. With Polylang, you might have some challenges with tracking the different language version of your content. Compared to WPML, the only real option is to check the Languages column that the plugins add to the Posts and Pages screens in your admin dashboard.

Polylang helps you integrate a cloud-based translation management system ,known as Lingotek, which gives free machine translation. The disadvantage in these situations is that you will need to install this third-party plugin, Lingotek,and also set up an account with them.


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The WPML plugin has a cool search tool that helps you find the content that you want to check and translate. Using this tool, you will also be able to filter content according to its translation status and find certain document in specific languages.

Translation statuses, such as “complete” and “in progress” will allow you to quickly track what content needs to be changed. You can manually translate your content depending on your preference.This can all be done by yourself by translating the content from the WordPress dashboard. You can also assign users the role of Translator, and they will be able to start from there.

How much of your content do you need to translate?


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The Polylang plugin helps you translate your posts, pages, menus, widgets, and a lot more. It also has a great support for creating multilingual e-commerce stores.


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With WPML, you will be able to create multi-language websites without worrying about disrupting any features or functionality. You can even use the WPML tool to translate all areas of your site, from the page content, and even the theme that you are using for your WordPress site.

Documentation and Support

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A great advantage to choosing a premium, commercial WordPress plugin is the high level of user support that you gain access to.If you buy WPML, you gain support that is available 19 hours a day in nine different languages. The WPML documentation is also very helpful because it includes details and instructions on how to use the plugin.

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The free version that Polylang offers is not supported by its developers, but you can still take advantage of the user community and should be able to find what you are looking for. For help from plugin creators, you need to upgrade to the Polylang Pro version,which will allow you access to support. It also has good documentation that you can start using and exploring once you upgrade.


In terms of costs, Polylang and WPML have different options to choose from, giving you a choice on what you want to spend for certain features.


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With Polylang, you get four options, including the basic, free version. After the free version, you can upgrade to the Polylang Pro Package for just 99 EUR, while the final package is 139 EUR.


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WPML does not offer a free version, but the prices are very for the amount of features offered. The three packages WPML offers are available at annual rates. The first one costs $29, the second $79 and the last called Multilingual Agency is $159.

If you buy the WordPress multi-language plugin on an annual rate, you will pay a lower price overall, ranging from $21, $59 and up to $119. No matter which one you choose, you also get a 30-day money back guarantee.

Conclusion on Polylang vs WPML

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In conclusion, discussing the similarities and differences between Polylang and WPML is something that developers should consider when making their choice about which tools to use for their websites. Judging from what we have seen, both Polylang and WPML have a number of pros and cons. Overall, due to its user-friendliness, performance, and accessibility, we recommend WPML.

WPML is easytouse, and it also works with Be Theme, a cool WordPress theme that comes with many features, including drag and drop page builders. Have a look at both options and decide for yourself which is going to be the best choice for you.

If you enjoyed reading this article about Polylang and WPML, you should read these as well:

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The post Polylang vs WPML: Which translation plugin should you use? appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

bbPress vs BuddyPress: Which one should you opt for? https://muffingroup.com/blog/bbpress-vs-buddypress/ Sun, 15 Oct 2023 11:17:56 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=5101 WordPress is one of the most essential tools for the web today, and statistics support this claim. More than 33% of all websites published on the internet today are done using WordPress, making it safe to say that the platform has had a massive impact on the world.

The post bbPress vs BuddyPress: Which one should you opt for? appeared first on Be Theme Blog.


WordPress is one of the most essential tools for the web today, and statistics support this claim. More than 33% of all websites published on the internet today are done using WordPress, making it safe to say that the platform has had a massive impact on the world.

If you want to keep visitors interested in your content and activities, you will want to use a tool that will optimize traffic, provide beneficial features, and promote user-friendliness, which will keep users coming to your website. Therefore, the benefit of using either bbPress or BuddyPress is a topic that we aim to bring to light.

In just a moment, you will understand what both do. Plugins are a great way to make your site easier to navigate through,as well as to bring different features to it to optimize performance and traffic. In this article,we will be comparing two of the best community plugins made available for the WordPress platform designed to do just that.

Why do You Need a WordPress Community Plugin?

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As the competitive nature of the online environment becomes more intense, many brands are shifting their focus toward ways to really bring attention to the services they offer via their websites. One of the best ways to do this is by having the right balance of social and digital interaction with users.

Online communities need tools that can help them engage directly with their users. Understanding the various advantages and disadvantages of both bbPress and BuddyPress will be very beneficial when trying to improve the functionality of your website.

One of the best things about utilizing plugins is that you won’t need to build a community platform from scratch, as plugins can help you with this task. A plugin is a great piece of software that will allow you to add specific functions to your website. You will save a lot of time and energy by avoiding the hardest part of creating a platform from nothing.

bbPress vs BuddyPress: Features


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bbPress is a free for use, community-based plugin that was created for WordPress. So, what is bbPress? It is a plugin that creates discussion boards on your website, thus extending the functionality of the website, as well as the interface of it.

bbPress is a great tool to use in support forums where there are going to be a lot of questions posed by users but also works for projects that are more focused on both questions and answers. What we really like about bbPress is that it offers:

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  • Single and multi-site forums
  • Easy to customize templates
  • Fast speed
  • Easy to install
  • Different add-ons to improve its functionality
  • WordPress user accounts can be synced with bbPress users


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Continuing our bbPress vs BuddyPress comparison, we will also be exploring the features offered by BuddyPress. BuddyPress was built by the same team that created the WordPress platform, and as such, it works great with the system. It is one of the best ecosystems for social network creation, and it has thousands of plugins that can make any website that utilizes its features successful.

You can use BuddyPress in order to create similar sites with Facebook, and it has all the features that you could ask for, including:

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  • User profile extensions together with settings
  • Users can modify, delete, or create an account
  • Similar Stream feature to Facebook
  • Users can connect with each other and follow them
  • Fast Messaging
  • Users can engage with new friends
  • Sending messages
  • Notifications and Updates
  • User Groups
  • Users can customize their notification settings

bbPress vs BuddyPress: The Similarities

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Although they are different plugins that can be used for achieving different goals, both bbPress and BuddyPress have several similarities. Let us look at some of the similarities between bbPress vs BuddyPress.

Both plugins were developed by the company Automatic, which is the same company responsible for the creation of the WordPress platform. Because the same team did both plugins, this adds a lot of reliability and value to both.

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As WordPress is needed to use and utilize both bbPress and BuddyPress and supports both plugins, you will run into fewer errors and issues with them, meaning you will save time and be able to focus on the more important tasks associated with optimizing the performance of your website.

Both plugins are also open-source, meaning that you will be able to use them for free. The platform: PHP and MySQL should not be a surprise.

bbPress vs BuddyPress: The Differences

While there are certainly similarities between bbPress and BuddyPress, we must also examine what makes them different.


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bbPress is a type of forum software, while BuddyPress is a social networking plugin. If you just need to receive comments, start certain topics, or let users interact with each other in a thread, then bbPress may be the best option for your website moving forward.

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If you want more advantage features, such as the ability of users being able to create groups, exchange messages privately, and more, then BuddyPress is the plugin that you would want to use.


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BuddyPress has a self-developing system that can gather people into a group according to their communities or organizations. As BuddyPress has a longer history than bbPress, this means it also has a few more useful features that can help to optimize your site.

Themes and extensions


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There are many themes that work with bbPress. As you are already aware, you can use free plugins in WordPress for your bbPress forum, but you can also find bbPress plugins that are made to provide new functions to the core bbPress plugin. One of the themes that we highly suggest is Be Theme.

This WordPress premium template works well with bbPress. The theme has around 45,000 users and is one of the top-ranked themes of all time on WordPress. It was created by a top WordPress development company called Muffingroup and has garnered a lot of positive attention since its creation.


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BuddyPress also works great with many of the themes on WordPress. However, if you want to focus more on messaging between users, for example, then you should go for themes that have templates for each BuddyPress component already built in.

As with bbPress, we still recommend the Be Theme with BuddyPress. It has a lot of unique features and makes integrating them into your website quick and easy, providing you with the tools you need to optimize your website.

Ending thoughts on bbPress and BuddyPress

In conclusion, while both bbPress and BuddyPress have a number of differences and similarities, both plugins are free to use and great communication tools for your users.

Choosing one over the other is going to be determined by what your needs are for your platform, and what are you trying to accomplish with your site. Because you can use them independently of each other, you will be able to give them each a try and see which plugin better suits your needs to help you reach your goals.

If you enjoyed reading this article about bbPress and BuddyPress, you should read these as well:

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The post bbPress vs BuddyPress: Which one should you opt for? appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

How to Change Fonts in WordPress: Easy to Follow Guide https://muffingroup.com/blog/change-fonts-in-wordpress/ Sat, 14 Oct 2023 10:55:49 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=4228 Desc Typefaces, also known as font styles,enable you to add a personal touch to how your messages are transmitted. Even though it might not seem so important at first, typography is an essential aspect of web design, strongly influencing the perception of users. Choosing and changing fonts is not that […]

The post How to Change Fonts in WordPress: Easy to Follow Guide appeared first on Be Theme Blog.


Typefaces, also known as font styles,enable you to add a personal touch to how your messages are transmitted. Even though it might not seem so important at first, typography is an essential aspect of web design, strongly influencing the perception of users. Choosing and changing fonts is not that easy, and it might raise some problems for website owners. However, if you want to learn how to change fonts in WordPress and how to make a good selection of typefaces, this guide will answer most of your questions.

Why is your font choice relevant?

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Many people believe that typefaces don’t make much of a difference when it comes to delivering a message. As long as it is readable, why should you bother with changing fonts? In fact, fonts carry much greater meaning than you would believe. Each font comes with a certain level of readability and its own unique connotations, so you must make sure your chosen font has features that make it appropriate for the theme of your website or the message you want to convey.

Fonts can also help you to guide visitors to read the content in a certain order. The viewer’s eyes always follow a path that the website’s layout dictates, based on visual elements. Arranging the text in a certain way and using specific fonts can change the way a visitor perceives the entire composition.In short, fonts represent a significant aspect of a website’s design, making the difference between a trustworthy one and a less professional one. This is why you should focus on learning how to change fonts in WordPress.

What types of WordPress fonts can you use?

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Fonts come in five main types, and WordPress fonts are no exception. The typefaces you can choose from are:

  • Sans Geometric. Geometric fonts don’t feature a lot of elements. They are minimalistic and mostly made of geometric shapes. The strokes always have the same width. Two of the most popular examples of Sans Geometric fonts are Helvetica and Gotham.
  • Sans Humanist. These fonts are just as simple and structured as Sans Geometric ones. Even so, they have curlier details that resemble handwriting. Compared to geometric fonts, the strokes in humanist fonts vary in width. Common examples of humanist fonts include Verdana or Myriad.
  • Old Style. If you are familiar with those typefaces that were common in medieval times, you already know how old style fonts look like. They have consistent kerning and zero variation between lines. A good example would be Garamond.
  • Transitional.Step away from old style fonts and focus on transitional ones. Also known as modern fonts, transitional fonts were born soon after people got tired of old style fonts. These are sharper, more geometrical and their most differentiating feature is that both thick and thin strokes are used. Times New Roman or Baskerville are transitional fonts.
  • Serif Slab. Slab fonts are a combination of all the types mentioned here. They are based on different strokes, but they are quite bulky in structure. Archer is a great example of this category.

How can you change them?

Now that you know some things about different font types, it’s time to learn how to change fonts in WordPress. Most fonts on a WordPress site are the ones that your theme provider set beforehand. Luckily, each theme that is compatible with the latest WordPress versions has a feature called the Customizer. By using this option, you can customize certain settings of the theme, including fonts.

Here, you can decide how parts of your content are presented. The Customizer allows you to set the size of the text for paragraphs, titles (H1), subtitles (H2), and so on. In some situations, simply changing the dimension of the text will do the job. In other cases, changing the typeface is the only way to make the text stand out.

The editor will help you with changing structural details for all themes, but only certain WordPress themes offer highly customizable font options that let you change the font type anywhere on your site. If you aren’t using such a theme, there are options other than the Customizer for changing your fonts, which we’ll cover below.

Using a plugin for WordPress fonts

If you’re not that good with technology and you don’t want to dive into the world of coding just to change fonts in WordPress, you will definitely want to use a plugin. There are plenty of WordPress fonts plugins that will do the job for you. You can adjust the settings and change font styles entirely, with just a few clicks. Take a look at this list and choose the WordPress font plugin that works best for your needs.

Easy Google Fonts

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This is one of the simplest WordPress fonts plugins you can use. All the fonts included in this plugin are free. You can choose between more than 650 fonts, very diverse in style. You can change the typeface and alter settings such as the dimension of the paragraph and heading text. You can change the color attribute as well.

WordPress Font Plugin

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This WordPress Font Plugin will make your job easier. After installing it to your WordPress site, you can rest assured that your font settings stick around even when you are changing the theme. You can change both the style of the font and make adjustments regarding size or color. By using WordPress Font Plugin, you can change fonts for all aspects of your site, not only for content.

Use Any Font

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Use Any Font is a simple WordPress fonts plugin that enables you to use custom fonts besides the ones that are already included in it. You can upload a font of your choice and the plugin turns it into a web-friendly typeface.

WP Google Fonts

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If you’re in love with Google’s free collection of fonts, WP Google Fonts is the plugin for you. It directly changes the code without needing your intervention, and you can also assign fonts to specific elements of the site, instead of applying the changes to all the content present on it.

TinyMCE advanced

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This plugin acts as an extension to your Gutenberg editor. A toolbar with all the settings you would need to change in a font will be added to the editor. Then, you can make whatever changes you consider relevant while writing your content.

MW Font Changer

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MW Font Changer is a good choice if you need to use fonts for Persian Arabic or Latin languages. The plugin offers character-friendly fonts for over 30 languages.

Using CSS code

If you are experienced with coding, you can use CSS instead of a plugin. Remember to save a copy of the theme’s files before starting to make changes so that you are able to revert to a previous version if anything goes wrong.

Here’s how to change fonts in WordPress by using CSS code:

  • Navigate to the style.css file in your WordPress Editor or the CSS section of your theme Customizer
  • Use the following code with the recommended font dimensions based on what you are planning to change:

For the whole text:

body {<br />
font-size: 1.25rem;<br />

For paragraphs:

p {<br />
font-size: 20px;<br />

For headings:

h2, h3, h4 {<br />
font-size: 1.5em;<br />
}<br />

For sidebar elements:

.sidebar li {<br />
font-size: 16px;<br />
}<br />

For footer elements:

.footer {<br />
font-size: 110%;<br />
}<br />

You can change the fonts:

For the entire website

If you want to change the font globally for all content published on your website, you will have to navigate to the ThemeEditor under Appearance and then locate the theme’s style sheet. The CSS style sheet needs to be edited by adding this line of code at the top:

* {font-family:”Name of font”;}

For specific bits of the text

To edit just parts of the text published on your website or specific areas of your theme, you will have to find a specific tag, class, or div of your site. Each theme is different, so these CSS category names will be different for every user. Generally, after finding the category element, you will add some lines of code similar to:

body {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Futura, sans-serif;<br />
font-size: 1em;<br />
padding:0;<br />
margin:0; }

The most common CSS categories are post, entry, and post-entry.


Once you’ve learned how to change fonts in WordPress, it’s important to figure out which fonts work best with your site and which have the biggest impact on the users. Don’t underestimate the power of a good font. Typefaces can stir different emotions based on what message is conveyed. Picking a font from a family of typefaces that are known for the audience that consumes it can dramatically change how your website is perceived. Do your research and see which website does its job the best.

Beginners should use WordPress fonts plugins, while experienced users can play with different CSS styles to achieve the personalized result they have in mind. Either way, focus on aspects that make a difference in how the typefaces look on the website – kerning, readability, spacing, size, colors and so on.

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The post How to Change Fonts in WordPress: Easy to Follow Guide appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

WordPress .htaccess: Everything You Should Know About It https://muffingroup.com/blog/wordpress-htaccess/ Thu, 12 Oct 2023 07:44:23 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=4622 Desc If you’re running WordPress on Apache Web Server, you may have come across the file called “.htaccess”. While it may sound strange and obscure, .htaccess is actually one of the most useful components of the Apache server software.Today we’re going to dive into what .htaccess is from a beginner’s […]

The post WordPress .htaccess: Everything You Should Know About It appeared first on Be Theme Blog.


If you’re running WordPress on Apache Web Server, you may have come across the file called “.htaccess”. While it may sound strange and obscure, .htaccess is actually one of the most useful components of the Apache server software.Today we’re going to dive into what .htaccess is from a beginner’s point of view, so that you, too, can reap the benefits of using it correctly. Ready to learn how to edit the .htaccess file? Let’s begin.

What is the .htaccess file?

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The .htaccess file is a hidden file that lives in the root WordPress directory and it controls the various ways in which Apache serves your WordPress site to visitors. The “ht” in .htaccess stands for “hypertext”, so it is, in a nutshell, a configuration file that controls access to your site. Remember that HTTP, the protocol on which all Internet sites are based, stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol”.

WordPress functions by using files that are found below the root WordPress folder. The .htaccess file is among the most important because it is the file that Apache uses to decide how your WordPress site is ultimately presented to the world. You should note that the file isn’t used by WordPress, per se, but rather by Apache.If Apache doesn’t find a .htaccess file in the WordPress root folder, it will use the default .htaccess rules usually found inside the global default configuration file at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.The WordPress .htaccess file, specifically, contains information that is used as a rule when Apache serves your WordPress site only. This means that if you have multiple sites, you can control exactly how Apache serves each one by using a different .htaccess file for each.

The file doesn’t have a specific extension and it comes hidden by default (denoted by the full stop before the filename). In order to see it, you will need to enable the viewing of hidden files in your FTP program, file manager, or SSH connection (i.e. with the ls –la command). For basic WordPress sites, the .htaccess file is responsible for handling permalinks and doesn’t go beyond that functionality. For larger websites, the .htaccess file might have many other purposes as well. Plugins can manipulate .htaccess to enable certain features on the site, such as image compression or caching.

What is this file used for?

Simply put, the WordPress .htaccess file can be used as a tool to improve the accessibility, usability, and security of your website. The file can manipulate the manner in which Apache serves files from the root directory or other subdirectories to WordPress, which can affect the overall functionality of the site in a highly specific manner. The only problem with editing this file is that one small error could lead to the entire server malfunctioning, which will involve some downtime for the site. This is why it needs to be edited with caution and all the changes should be done knowing that there is a backup file that you can quickly revert to.

By default, the purpose of .htaccess is to control the way the permalinks are displayed. One single change to the permalink structure will immediately modify the WordPress .htaccess file, adding new instructions that the .htaccess file will send to the server. If you have not made any changes to your permalinks, .htaccess might not even be created. On some sites, this is the one and only purpose that the file has. On other sites, the file can influence many other aspects.

What should you do before making any changes?

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Before starting to make changes to your WordPress .htaccess file, you should understand that there is a risk of ruining the website if no backup is prepared in case something goes wrong. One single mistake and the file that contains some of your site’s basic functionality will be unusable. In order to make sure that everything will go just as planned, you need to take some safety measures, presented here.

Whenever you want to edit .htaccess, exercise tremendous caution and focus on these tips:

  • Back up the website entirely to have a starting point in case something goes wrong. This way, you can revert the website back to a previous state. Another option would be using a staging site instead of your actual one and see whether the changes are what you wanted or not.
  • Test the edits before performing them directly onto the site. If you want to avoid all the effort involved in reverting the site back to normal after making an unintentional change, use your staging website to perform all the required changes and see whether they work the way they should or not.
  • Download the WordPress .htaccess file locally and edit it only afterward. If you ruin the .htaccess file you can delete the broken one and add the one that you saved on your computer to bring the site back to normal.
  • Whenever you want to edit the .htaccess file, make sure to check “Show Hidden Files” from the cPanel or other hosting control panel file manager. Consider that some web hosting companies don’t allow changing this setting directly from the cPanel and you might need permission to do it. Contact the company for support if you encounter this issue.

How can you create a WordPress .htaccess file?

Normally, .htaccess is generated by WordPress when you choose the permalink structure of your website. In other cases, the .htaccess file is not generated because of server-side limitations, such as incorrect permissions. Even though you might be in this latter situation, worry not. It’s not difficult to create the .htaccess file yourself and edit it afterward. First of all, double-check whether the file is missing, or you simply can’t see the hidden files in your WordPress root directory. If you are 100% sure that the file was not generated in the first place, you can proceed to try one of these two methods:

1. Set a new permalink structure

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In order to do this, navigate to your WordPress settings panel and then choose Permalinks from the options. Make the required changes, save them, and .htaccess should appear in the root directory of your WordPress.

1. Create it manually

The first method is very easy and convenient, but it doesn’t work all the time. If your WordPress can’t seem to generate the file automatically, you will have to do it by hand. To do that, follow these simple steps:

  •       Create a regular text file in Notepad
  •       Copy and paste this code into the Notepad file:
<br />
# BEGIN WordPress</p>
<p>RewriteEngine On</p>
<p>RewriteBase /</p>
<p>RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]</p>
<p>RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f</p>
<p>RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]</p>
<p># END WordPress<br />
  •       Rename the Notepad file from .txt to .htaccess
  •       Upload the newly created file to your WordPress root directory using your cPanel File Manager. The location should be /home/yourweb/public_html/.htaccess

How can you edit the WordPress .htaccess file?

If the file is already there and you just want to edit it, the process is rather simple. As mentioned before, you can change the .htaccess file in a variety of ways to alter the features of the site. Some of the changes that you can make involve redirecting URLs, protecting images from hotlinking, keeping the website secure by blocking certain IPs from accessing your site, and more.

You can edit the file in four different ways:

  •       Through cPanel
  •       Through an FTP client
  •       Through the WordPress Dashboard
  •       Through SSH (not covered in this guide)

How can you edit it using cPanel?

You can edit the file by using cPanel, which is probably the most convenient way to do it. Remember to back up the WordPress .htaccess file before modifying it immediately after you find its location. The steps involved in editing .htaccess using cPanel are:

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1. Log into your cPanel

2. Navigate to File Manager

3. Check the option to view the Document Root

4. Check the option to show hidden files

5. Locate the .htaccess file and right-click on it after creating a backup

6. Click Edit and make the desired changes

7. Save the file and refresh the website to check if the changes took place

How can you edit it using Filezilla or other FTP clients?

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If the cPanel method did not work, you can skip to editing the WordPress .htaccess file using an FTP client. File Transfer Protocol clients are used to edit these types of files with a simple interface. One good example is FileZilla, which is also the most popular one among WordPress users. Just the same as in the previous case, you need to locate the file first and create a backup for it. If you can’t find the file, go back to the main menu of FileZilla and check the “Force Showing Hidden Files” option. Once you do that, you should be able to see and edit the .htaccess file.

How can you edit it using the WordPress dashboard?

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To use the WordPress Dashboard directly, you need to log into your website as admin. If you use the Yoast SEO plugin, you must first navigate to SEO, then go to General and notice the Features option at the top of the page. Once you click it, navigate to Security and turn off the “no advanced settings for authors” setting.

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Now, navigate to Tools and click on the File editor. This will enable you to make changes in the .htaccess file. Keep in mind that you might not see this option if file editing is disabled on your site by default.

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For those who don’t know how to use an FTP client or that are not as tech-savvy as others, the WordPress Dashboard method is the safest. It is a built-in feature that lets you edit files located in the root directory of the CMS. This is one of the best approaches, but you can also use a plugin if you can’t handle all the steps by yourself. One of the plugins you can use to edit the WordPress .htaccess file is WP .htaccess Editor. It is free, very intuitive to use, and handles all these steps for you. Just download the plugin from the repository, activate it, and use it to edit .htaccess.

Another one to try would be Rank Math SEO which has more features than WP .htaccess Editor. Once you have it installed, navigate to General Settings and finds the option that is called Edit .htaccess. As simple as that! Another option that is quite popular is Yoast, a strong SEO plugin that enables you to do much more than just edit the file.

What can be configured using this file?

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If you are still wondering what you can do with the WordPress .htaccess, these few bits of information should help you. Here’s a list with all the changes you can make using .htaccess to configure how Apache server serves your WordPress site:

  •    Add an extra layer of security to your WordPress Admin Area
  •    Secure any important file using .htaccess
  •    Protect folders using a password
  •    Restrict access for different wp-admins
  •    Disable the execution of PHP
  •    Restrict access to certain files on the website
  •    Control image hotlinking
  •    Increase the file upload size that is generated by WordPress
  •    Modify SSL certificates
  •    Ban IP addresses from accessing the site

Final thoughts

WordPress .htaccess can have many uses, so it’s best to read up further about how your website can be customized. Learning how to edit this file and how to create it when it is missing is a must to keep your WordPress site in line with the latest trends and requirements, especially in terms of cyber security. This article should answer most of your questions related to what the WordPress .htaccess file is and what you can do to change it. Since the process is relatively simple, you shouldn’t encounter any problems. If you have any problems with specific .htaccess rules, the WordPress community support forum is the best place to ask for help.

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The post WordPress .htaccess: Everything You Should Know About It appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Redirect a WordPress page without a plugin https://muffingroup.com/blog/wordpress-redirect-plugin/ Tue, 10 Oct 2023 10:48:46 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=4216 URL Redirection is a mechanism for redirecting site visitors from one domain or page to another. It is possible to redirect your visitors to any web page on the internet, but it is most commonly used to reroute them within the same website. When a user enters a URL or clicks a link to Page A, you may redirect them to Page B instead.

The post Redirect a WordPress page without a plugin appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

The post Redirect a WordPress page without a plugin appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

How to Reset WordPress Quickly and With No Drama https://muffingroup.com/blog/how-to-reset-wordpress/ Fri, 06 Oct 2023 10:42:29 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=4285 Desc If you’re building a WordPress website and you need to start over for whatever reason but keep your chosen theme and plugins intact, a WordPress database reset may be just the ticket. Resetting the database allows you to remove all your settings, users, and uploaded content so that you […]

The post How to Reset WordPress Quickly and With No Drama appeared first on Be Theme Blog.


If you’re building a WordPress website and you need to start over for whatever reason but keep your chosen theme and plugins intact, a WordPress database reset may be just the ticket. Resetting the database allows you to remove all your settings, users, and uploaded content so that you start with a blank slate. Thankfully, you don’t need a lot of technical knowledge to reset WordPress.

You simply have to decide whether you should do it, perform the reset, and start your journey from scratch. Once you’ve decided to reset WordPress, there’s no turning back. This change is irreversible, so take your time to make sure it’s what you really want to do, and remember to make a backup!Here we will cover the basics of how to perform a WordPress with several different methods.

What is a WordPress reset?

Resetting WordPress refers to switching it back to the default settings by clearing the database. If you know how a smartphone factory reset works, a WordPress reset follows the same principle: it deletes everything and gives you a default platform to start a fresh. You have multiple options to reset WordPress: you can either reset a specific database table or reset the entire database.

It’s not difficult to learn how to reset WordPress, but you will have to think twice whether you are ready to make this move or not. Once you’ve done it, there’s no way to get back to your previous settings scheme, and every bit of content you ever uploaded will be gone. If you simply want to run a partial WordPress reset, make sure to apply the correct measures. Avoid rushing through the process because a mistake can lead to losing everything.

Why should you perform a WordPress reset?

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Now that you know what a WordPress reset is, it’s time to figure out why would you need it in the first place. The first purpose is obvious: starting from scratch. If you are no longer happy with your website and you would like to start all over again with everything related to it, you can reset WordPress. For the most part, you will want to do this on a site that you’re still testing or developing, and not on a live production website.

Instead of resetting it, you can also uninstall and re-install WordPress, but that is a lengthy process that is not worth the trouble unless you have no other option. A few other reasons why you might want to apply a WordPress reset to your website include:

  • Rebuilding your website because it took a direction that you are no longer happy with and reversing the changes would take too long.
  • Cleaning up a test installation. This is required after you’ve completed a set of tests on your websites and you would like to start clean.
  • To upload a backup of the website. If you own a backup of your site and something went wrong, you can just reset WordPress and upload your backup. You won’t need to put any work into building the site again as long as you have a backup, so don’t worry about losing anything.
  • Testing plugins or themes on a fresh website.
  • To avoid the time-consuming process of removing posts, pages, or settings manually.

How to reset WordPress?

Once you’ve set a purpose for your WordPress reset, it’s time to put it into practice. Here’s how you can perform a WordPress reset:


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manually How to Reset WordPress Quickly and With No Drama


If you know your way around WordPress well, resetting WordPress manually is the best choice. In some cases, cleaning up by hand is the best option you’ve got. Of course, only apply this method if there are no repetitive tasks involved that will take loads of your time. These can be automated by using the Command Line or a plugin, as you are about to see later in this article.

The manual WordPress reset process includes four steps. The first step is deleting your existing database. After doing so, you will have to create a new database from scratch, remove all the unnecessary files that may be present, and then run a clean WordPress installation script. There’s not much to it, but you have to know the basics of how WordPress operates to perform this method.

Using the Command Line

Users who have skills in the programming field should be able to reset WordPress using the Command Line. If you are familiar with WP-CLI, you won’t find this difficult at all. WP-CLI is a Command Line tool through which you can interact with the WordPress platform. You can use various commands to perform tasks. One of these tasks is represented by WordPress reset. The manual process described above can be automated using the Command Line tool. To perform this task, use the command below:

$ wpdb reset --yes<br />
Success: Database reset.

WP-CLI doesn’t stop there. You can use all sorts of commands to perform tasks that you can’t normally do in the WordPress admin page, like deleting transients (i.e. bits of data that are not needed anymore). It is a quick way to deal with tasks that other people perform by hand. This tool can also be used for backing up your website and other complex processes.

Using a plugin

You can reset WordPress with no effort involved at all by downloading and activating one of the plugins listed below. The benefits of using a WordPress reset plugin are numerous. First of all, you can choose whether to reset a specific table in the database or the entire database. Secondly, you can opt for reactivating your existent themes and plugins after resetting WordPress. Some plugins come with more functionalities that can be handy during the reset process. Here’s a short description of a few WordPress reset plugins:

WordPress Database Reset

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A free plugin, WordPress Data Reset is able to perform a WP reset without deleting your existing files. You will get to keep your themes, plugins or other types of files you’ve uploaded to the server. The plugin focuses on the data that is stored in the database alone.

Advanced Reset WP

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Even though the name says “advanced”, this plugin really isn’t. It has the basic functionalities you would need to wipe your WordPress database clean. Use this plugin if you are ready to clear out all bits of information that your website stores. It will clear the entire database, the content you uploaded, along with the themes and plugins you’ve previously installed.

Reset WP

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This is another simple plugin that you can use to reset WordPress. In addition, you can make custom modifications like saving pages or content that you’ve uploaded. This plugin won’t alter any of your files, as it simply resets the database.

WordPress Reset

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WordPress Reset is one of the most popular WP plugins for resetting the database. By using it, you can also choose to reset the uploaded content entirely or partially. It can be used to restore your website if the credentials are not being provided correctly.


There are plenty of ways to reset WordPress, but what truly matters in this situation is what your purpose is. Since resetting WordPress is a permanent action that can’t be undone in any manner, you will have to think your decision through.You should only perform a WordPress reset if you are absolutely positive that you no longer need the uploaded content or your existing settings. As mentioned before, you can choose a plugin that lets you customize the reset according to your needs and the problems that you are facing.

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The post How to Reset WordPress Quickly and With No Drama appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

How to Make Fewer HTTP Requests on Your WordPress Site https://muffingroup.com/blog/make-fewer-http-requests/ Fri, 06 Oct 2023 10:00:32 +0000 https://muffingroup.com/blog/?p=4853 Desc Each time you access a website there are a lot of processes happening behind the curtain. Though it seems like everything occurs in one fell swoop, your browser must request, receive, and process multiple files from a server before the website fully loads. These requests can slow down your […]

The post How to Make Fewer HTTP Requests on Your WordPress Site appeared first on Be Theme Blog.


Each time you access a website there are a lot of processes happening behind the curtain. Though it seems like everything occurs in one fell swoop, your browser must request, receive, and process multiple files from a server before the website fully loads.

These requests can slow down your website, leading to poor user experience, a huge bounce rate, and bad SEO scores. To avoid these pitfalls and keep your visitors happy, you need to figure out how to make fewer HTTP requests.

This short article will teach you how to reduce the number of HTTP requests that your website sends. Here you’ll learn more about what HTTP server requests are, how they can be tracked, and how you can reduce them.

HTTP Server Requests —What Are They?

Starting with the very basics, HTTP server requests are those actions that take place whenever a person visits a page on a website. The user’s browser pings the web server and asks for the files that contain all the content listed on that website page they are trying to access.

These files can be of various types; they can be HTML, CSS, or JavaScript files, or they can be simple images or icons. Regardless of the type of file requested, this action of demanding files from the server is called an HTTP server request.

HTTP is short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is the protocol used by both browsers and servers to facilitate the requesting and receiving of files. All websites make use of HTTP and WordPress sites are no exception.

The fewer elements your website includes, the fewer HTTP requests are sent for rendering a web page. As a result, your site will become faster and more responsive. In order to make fewer HTTP requests on your site, you need to follow the steps listed in this article.

Let’s take a look at how to see what requests are being made in the first place.

Tracking Your HTTP Server Requests

If you don’t know how many HTTP server requests your site sends, you can use one of the following tools that will tell you all you need to know:

Google Chrome Developer Tools

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Google’s Developer Tools will give you an in-depth look at various elements on your website and show you how well the files are performing on it. You will just have to use the Google Chrome browser and navigate to the settings tab.

You’ll find Developer Tools there and then you can start analyzing the HTTP requests that your site makes with the Developer Tools panel.

Firefox users can access the same type of developer panel by clicking the hamburger menu > Web Developer and then clicking the Network tab. Now simply refresh your website to see all the requests.

Google PageSpeed Insights

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Google PageSpeed Insights is one of the most popular tools for monitoring your web page performance. On top of that, it’s completely free.

You’ll get a full review of your website’s performance with a rating from 0 to 100. Google PageSpeed Insights creates intricate reports on the page load time using different criteria and it will help you find HTTP requests that are slowing down your website.


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Another page assessment tool that is highly appreciated by those who want to find out more about their HTTP requests, GTmetrixalso gives you a performance score following a set of criteria.

In addition, this tool will tell you more about what makes your site slow and what actions you can take to correct these problems.


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Pingdom is very similar to GTmetrix in terms of what reports it generates with a score assignment and more. Pingdom seems to deliver results a bit quicker than GTmetrix does, and you can also run tests based on location.

Just as in the previous case, you’ll receive info about the aspects that can be improved, and you will be shown a complete list of your site’s HTTP requests.

6 Ways to Make Fewer HTTP Requests on Your WordPress Site

Moving on to the actual measures that you can take to reduce the number of HTTP server requests on your site, here are 6 proven methods:

Deleting Images

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Too many images will immediately make your site load a lot slower. You don’t have to get rid of all the images on your website entirely, but you shouldn’t abuse them either. The fewer images you put on your website, the fewer HTTP requests it will send to the server.

As mentioned, reducing the number of HTTP requests will lead to a visible improvement in terms of load time and responsiveness, and fewer image requests will boost performance even more so.

Besides the fact that it is not recommended from an aesthetic point of view to clutter a website with images, it will also affect it on a technical level. If your website’s specifics simply involve using a lot of images, you can try using a “lazy loading” plugin.

These plugins delays loading the images (requesting the file) until the user gets to that image so that the page loads faster.

Combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Files

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Just as in the case of images, separate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files will generate more HTTP requests. To make fewer HTTP requests, your website needs to contain combined, minified files.

Limiting the number of files by combing them is the recommended option. For example, if you have several CSS stylesheet files, they can all be combined into one file so that your styles load in one single request. These can also be cached for an even greater increase in page speed.

File minification refers to removing characters that are unnecessary from a file —comments, formatting, white space, empty lines. This won’t affect the number of requests, but it does help with performance.

Again, there are several plugins like Fast Velocity Minify that can help you do this automatically, and any decent caching plugin should include an option to combine and/or minify files.

Less External Resources

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If the HTTP requests are coming from outside of your website, you need to reduce the external resources on your site. Some examples are:

  • Using custom fonts – these always produce extra requests
  • External images – these normally appear in the comment section (WordPress uses Gravatar, which also produces more HTTP requests)
  • Social media buttons – these represent an important marketing tool but too many of them can lead to a lot of HTTP requests that slow the website down tremendously
  • Embedded videos – one or two embedded videos are the limit for keeping a website speedy

Moving JavaScript Files to the Bottom

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If your JavaScript files are located close to the top of your website code, move them as far as possible to the bottom. This method doesn’t involve much hassle because you’ll only copy and paste some code.

In the past, developers placed CSS and JavaScript code in thesection, but it has been proved that this technique blocks website rendering, leading to a white page that lasts for a few seconds before the website actually loads.

Using CSS Sprites

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Image sprites are collections of images that act just as one item. Logically, because it acts as one item, it only sends one request. This is a smart hack that you should be using if you want your website to make fewer HTTP requests.

Manage Render-Blocking CSS/JavaScript

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Make JavaScript asynchronous with the async and defer attributes and ensure that your above-the-fold CSS is inlined. Otherwise, they will generate more requests all at once as the page loads.

The page assets are loaded from top to bottom, so keep that in mind when putting your website together. Your website won’t load quickly unless the CSS and JavaScript are carefully placed in the right order.

Ending thoughts on making fewer HTTP requests

After figuring out how many HTTP requests your website sends, it’s best to try all the techniques covered here to enable your site to make fewer HTTP requests while keeping it functioning normally.

Nobody likes a slow website, so don’t hesitate to take action and eliminate extraneous requests wherever you find them by following the tips in this article.

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The post How to Make Fewer HTTP Requests on Your WordPress Site appeared first on Be Theme Blog.
