WooCommerce websites that have amazing design and functionality

WooCommerce websites that have amazing design and functionality

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Imagine your online store, not as a mere marketplace but as an art gallery where every click stirs the senses and guides customers through an elegant journey of color, convenience, and class. It's an alchemy of WooCommerce themeseCommerce templates, and custom WooCommerce layouts, each element a brushstroke in this digital landscape.

Here, within the weave of webpages, I divulge the secrets of crafting user-friendly eCommerce designs—a synthesis of aesthetics and efficiency. 

This article unfurls the tapestry of WooCommerce website design examples; a collection meticulously curated to illustrate the pinnacle of online store designs imbued with responsive WooCommerce sites principles.

Tread through, uncovering the cornerstones of a successful eCommerce website development; from WooCommerce product pages that beckon subtly to WooCommerce checkout designs that streamline the path to purchase. 

Whether novice or connoisseur in the digital bazaar, by the final word, a blueprint of your own conversion-optimized web design will crystalize before your eyes.

Awesome WooCommerce website design examples

Disruptive Youth


The design of this website immediately reveals its purpose, to sell clothing for women. It’s targeted towards women aged between 15 and 25. The products are interesting and unique for women in that age group and the design and the functionality of the website make it even more attractive.

The features of this website include large photographs of apparel, which makes it easy for visitors to make their selection and navigate to the sales point.



Clickbank is one of the largest global retailers online that allows salespeople and manufacturers to sell and market their products.

Forage & Graze


This food-related WooCommerce website is mainly geared towards paleo products, and it promotes the foods and snacks perfectly. You can easily contact the company to learn more about them, read the educational blog, or view the homepage, and their checkout system is fantastic.


This Austrian premium coffee roaster website is a beautiful example of a website that cares about its products deeply.

J. Hornig are very familiar with their customers and know how to directly cater to their needs and wants. The website has inviting, unique CTA buttons in exactly the right positions throughout the website.

Dark Horse


This website sells leather products, including small items such as wallets, travel bags, and accessories, as well as leather furniture pieces, and the website ties everything together really well.



Nicharry is an online shop from South Africa that offers funky alternatives to socks, sweaters, and other clothing items. The products are interesting and unique, and they make great use of their website to attract customers to their business.

The top of the main page has a navigation bar to the various shopping categories. The website displays its rich character as well as being very functional.

Jack Rudy Cocktail Co


This elegant website has very beautiful product images, classic design and simple arrangements. The product categories are well placed, so you can locate your purchases within seconds.


The Spectator Magazine is the oldest magazine published in the English language, and they’ve stayed current with this great WooCommerce website to power their online presence. They have a very large store, and all their products are presented expertly.

Little Giants | Giant Shorties


The Little Giants Woocommerce website exudes character with the unique images of its slideshow.



This literary webpage contains links to multiple articles and educational pieces, and to the amazing products offered on the well-constructed website, which is effective and simple. All the products are categorized, so anything you need is easy to find.

Belle And The Brave


Belle and the Brave is a boho-chic shop that attractively displays its products on this WooCommerce website, with custom graphics, fonts, and some very clever animations.

Despite this huge variety of animations, nothing is out of place. Everything is combined well with the brand, whether you’re browsing for skirts, shirts, or other products from the website.


This website offers interesting products for your pets, including unconventional high-quality clothing pieces, accessories, and toys.

Redd Superfood Energy Bars


The website focuses directly on their product, and the minimal layout of the website makes it easy to navigate.

Porter & York


Porter & York sell fresh meat cuts, fish, and poultry and can have it delivered to your door within 48 hours. They have a considerable online presence, and everything is made with only a well-designed custom WordPress theme and Google analytics.

Angry Moose Ice Cream


The website focuses directly on their product, and the minimal layout of the website makes it easy to navigate.

Fabryka Małego Dizajnu


A beautiful and atmospheric store using WooCommerce. Fabryka Małego Dizajnu sells handmade wedding stationery.

Angry Moose Ice Cream


Angry Moose Ice Cream has an interesting story. Jason, its creator, explains the story on the website, and the ice creams and sorbets on display will tingle your taste buds.


WorthPoint uses WooCommerce to command a staggering 300 million of different products. You can explore the auctions from their house, as well as auction houses from all around the world.

The Lion Project


Denver-based filmmakers made The Lion project using the platform to educate young people to help others. They connect non-profit organizations with business owners who are looking to help others.

Trendy Resumes


Trendy Resumes is a resume service that offers an excellently designed website. The payment gateways are very simple to use, with great product add-ons.

Humoresque Cartoons


Loren Fishman is a cartoon artist who uses this amazing website to sell his work online, featuring incredible animations.

This website demonstrates that adding products into categories can be an extremely effective technique.

Blue Star Coffee


Blue Star Coffee Roasters are one of the most well-known coffee roasters in the world, and this website proves just how effective they are.

They use WooCommerce to manage this effective, clean and high-quality website.



This website strikes the right balance between text and images, and is completely packed with information, making sure that no information is missed. It keeps visitors interested.

Cupcake Studio


Cupcake studio has created an elegant custom WordPress website where they display their most beautiful and unique cupcakes most enticingly.

Joco Cups


Joco Cups specializes in creating premium glass reusable coffee cups, which are also completely customizable and available for re-branding. The website is fully WooCommerce integrated.



This Slovakian company named Pickle sells all kinds of accessories, from socks to backpacks. Their colorful and vibrant website makes their brand stand out in the crowd.



The Scentos website is just as fun as its products. Everything feels special, bold, and surprising, using bright colors, bold fonts, and pop-ups.

There are four tabs for navigation at the top, making everything easy to find, and simple to use.



Wakami is a Guatemala-based fashion company offering fashion products for women and using this WooCommerce website to spread their influence online.



The Sodashi WooCommerce website tells a story and in doing so introduces customers to their products and brand.

FAQ on WooCommerce websites

What Inspires the Best WooCommerce Website Designs?

It's that brilliant fusion of art meets commerce. Designs that mirror a brand's soul and the seamless WooCommerce customization services that empower both the aesthetic and functional needs attract the limelight. Every top-tier site tells a brand’s unique story, underscored by effortless user experience (UX Design).

How Does WooCommerce Handle Mobile Responsiveness?

Like a chameleon adapts to its environment, Responsive WooCommerce sites shift shape flawlessly across devices. The platform naturally embraces mobile-centric eCommerce templates, ensuring your online store is accessible with the same elegance on smartphones as on desktops, crucial in this mobile commerce era.

What WooCommerce Plugins Enhance User Experience?

WooCommerce's versatility shines here. Plugins like 'WooCommerce Product Add-Ons' or 'WooCommerce Subscriptions' weave complexity into simplistic user journeys. They enrich WooCommerce product pages, optimize shopping cart integration, and tailor experiences that resonate with individual shopper preferences.

Minimalism and bold imagery dominate while WooCommerce themes evolve rapidly. Sustainable design practices interlace with advanced UI/UX design principles, urging toward user-friendly eCommerce designs that focus on speed and user engagement, aligning with the fast-paced digital storefronts of today’s eCommerce platforms.

How do I Optimize WooCommerce Product Pages for Conversion?

Pinpoint clarity, compelling calls-to-action, and intuitive payment gateway styling forge the path to conversion. Engaging product descriptions enriched with LSI keywords tied to your offerings and high-quality images that seduce the eye make product catalog exploration irresistible.

Can WooCommerce Sites be Customized Without Coding?

Indeed, what a relief! Drag-and-drop builders propagate among WooCommerce plugins, gifting the power to spawn professional-grade online store designs sans a single line of code. They render the technical depths of web design conquerable even by the coding-averse.

Why Is SSL Important for WooCommerce Websites?

An SSL certificate stands as the unbreachable gatekeeper for WooCommerce fortresses. It envelops customer data in a cloak of encryption, a non-negotiable entity in the trust exchange between shopper and storefront, safeguarding transactions and fortifying your store against digital marauders.

What Sets WooCommerce Apart from Other eCommerce Platforms?

It’s the malleability to embody any vision; WooCommerce customization services allow tailoring every nuance of your digital presence. It merges gracefully with WordPress, offering a familiar backend, and with a vast repository of WooCommerce plugins, it unfolds limitless possibilities that other platforms may constrain.

How Important Are SEO Entities in WooCommerce Site Design?

Crucial, for they guide the search engine's gaze. SEO entities like product names, brands, and online shopping activities act as beacons, illuminating the thematic landscape of your site for search algorithms. They give context, enhancing discoverability amid the digital throngs.

How Do WooCommerce Checkout Designs Improve User Experience?

A sleek WooCommerce checkout design is like a well-rehearsed ballet; every step flows into the next. Stripping away friction, incorporating payment gateway styling, offering guest checkout, and ensuring transparency around costs—all allow for a crescendo of a shopping experience that leaves customers content.


Venturing through this digital odyssey, eyeing WooCommerce website design examples, a truth unfurls—the intersection of function and elegance is where successful online stores thrive. Thick with the scent of innovation, they stand as beacons of WooCommerce themes and custom WooCommerce layouts, casting long shadows on the plain.

The journey unveils more than mere aesthetics—responsive WooCommerce sites whisper of deeper truths about user-friendly eCommerce designs and a world beyond mere transactions.

Closing this chapter, reflective of the myriad of WooCommerce customization services and eCommerce website development nuances explored, the horizon now beckons with newfound wisdom and inspiration. Harness these insights, spinning the web of your own unique store—infused with online shop user experienceWooCommerce plugins, and conversion-optimized web design—and watch as your digital tapestry draws visitors into a story only you can tell.

One of the best themes that make for amazing web shops is Be Theme, a multi-purpose theme with many useful and amazing features, such as WPBakery Page Builder, Demo Websites, Header Layouts, Built-in Mega Menu, Slider Revolution, and LayerSlider. It’s easy to create a stunning website using Be Theme.

If you enjoyed reading this article on WooCommerce websites, you should check out this one about WooCommerce variable product.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like WooCommerce vs Magento and WooCommerce vs OpenCart.

Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.