Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

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Imagine stepping into a world where web pages come to life, dancing to the rhythm of your cursor movements—welcome to the realm of animated websites. In the vast digital expanse, animation elevates a website from a mere information portal to an immersive experience. 

As we delve deeper into this topic, expect to uncover a trove of engaging website animations that not only captivate the eye but also encapsulate the spirit of innovation in web design.

Through this exploration, you'll gather insights into how motion graphics and CSS animations intertwine to spawn dynamic website examples

The intention here is clear: to arm you with the knowledge to harness animation as a powerful tool for visual storytelling within your digital creations. With each scroll, discover the transformative power of user interface animation and how it shapes the user experience design of tomorrow.

By the end of this journey, you'll be equipped with the inspiration and technical know-how to inject a heartbeat into your online presence. Prepare for a showcase of creative website design, where code meets artistry.

43 Impressive Animated Website Examples

Illustrations and animation are elements that attract and keep viewers, so inserting as many visuals as possible and will help make the website dynamic.



Madwell uses motion as a method to occupy the user’s interest while the information loads. The appearance of each element is like the next chapter from a story, creating anticipation. The menu buttons open quickly and send you to the gallery or portfolio sections.



Softr is the easiest and fastest way to build powerful web apps and client portals from Airtable, in minutes. No code required.

With Softr, you can build client portals, internal tools, marketplaces, online communities, resource directories and websites.



This firm is more about creativity than calculus, so they will bring life into your company, and their website reflects this very well.

Your Plan, Your Planet


Powered by Google and designed by Media Monks, this website has brought motion and animation to an entirely new level. Creating a sustainable environment and learning about the needs of our planet has never been easier and the learning process is entertaining, due to the multitude of games and tips.

Les Animals


“Hold the spacebar to start” is the usual message when launching a game. Les Animals uses this trick to transport you into a virtual world of transitions and breathtaking 3D environments.



The Platform wants to know its users, so their website begins with a set of 13 questions about your company’s needs and perspectives. This engaging questionnaire is followed by some estimations and appropriate advice.

Néhémie Dias


This website presents Néhémie Dias’s portfolio and her experience as an Art Director and Motion Designer in an engaging and attractive way.

The Hunt for the Cheshire Cat


This company knows its treasure-hunting audience, proven by their 3D city, where you can wander along streets and read the story of Cheshire Cat.

Species in Pieces


This is an animation website that presents the story of 30 species in 30 pieces. The exhibition is very entertaining, and you can discover a lot of interesting information in a fun way from your own sofa.

60 FPS


This is a serious and classy website. The images smoothly replace each other while scrolling, revealing more art pieces and projects. The designers have paid great attention to detail, such as the responsive background that builds the logo when you hover over it.

Arrive Hydrated


The main attraction of this website is the moving globe, which changes locations automatically, informing you about the weather conditions around the world. This is very helpful for choosing a suitable destination for your next trip.

Moon Exhibition


This website puts plenty of images onto a striking yellow background. One of them will definitely catch your attention. Then hover over the chosen image and it will increase in size, letting you see the beauty inside the art.

Miki Mottes


Miki Mottes’ website is sheer joy, with its very interesting characters, in strange and beautiful environments, welcoming you.



The animations on this website, are small and subtle, letting you discover them one by one. The transitions are natural and smooth. Looking through all the pages of the website is like taking a long, revitalizing walk.

Jannata resort


The sliding cover reveals a slideshow of moving images from the Jannata resort. Then you can scroll down and discover the area in depth. For immediate booking, the button is on the right part of the screen. The views are stunning.

ISI Global


ISI Global is a forward-thinking retail design agency offering an end to end service.



The animation of this website is refreshingly original. It continuously surprises you, especially given this is a restaurant’s website. They borrowed the story of human evolution and adapted it to their business philosophy.

Nico Cherubin


This website has an aura of mystery. The letter marks have a complex design, and perform a continuous waving motion. The deft touch is the green neon color, present on thin lines and small text pieces.



ProtoPie presents cool CSS animation examples that prove that attracting your viewers’ attention is not as hard as you might think.

Alpa Capital investment


This web application becomes increasingly interesting and attractive when you start “investing”.



This is the website of a cultural festival that last took place in Belgium 2018. The lens around the cursor allows you to break the blue filter and discover the insights of this initiative. These cool animation examples add to the micro-interactions and frequent color changes.

Active Theory


This website gives you an electronic vibe and the feeling of discovering a new city. Dark alleys are filled with bright neon colors and the atmosphere is tempting and harmonious.



Roxtaw invests and scales “brands exponentially to that 10-figure milestone”. The top illustration of the website is a great metaphor for this goal.



The typing and deleting animations effect is always popular. Visme’s website uses this effect well and reflects the company’s aesthetic taste and stylish approach.

KD Capital


"Finding the circles amongst the squares" is the motto of the company. Viewers can also visualize it on the website due to the innovative website animations.

Teatr Lalka


This impressive animated website makes theatre attractive for kids. Your child will enjoy playing with the virtual puppets by moving the cursor left and right.

Onedesign company


Diverting your viewer’s attention and keeping them entertained during loading time will generate positive feedback and Onedesign’s website has mastered these techniques by using effective animations.



This combination of music and illustrations offers hope and encouragement during these difficult times.

Toggl Plan


These illustrations and their actions will make planning your time and project very entertaining indeed.



Vertbase’s website utilizes small and subtle illustrations to introduce meaningful motion to the page.

Chiara Luzzana


Sound design is also an important element on a website. As a professional in this field, Chiara has provided a special acoustic touch to her website, adding to its originality.

Dore Partnership


Remember those satisfying clips with moving balls that went viral on social media some time ago? You can see them again here and enjoy the pleasure.



The green illustrations work perfectly with the company’s products and their beliefs.

Björn Wieland - Portfolio


This website presents the Portfolio of Björn Wieland, a UI-Designer & Developer from Germany.

PBSC Urban Solutions


PBSC Urban Solutions aligns with people’s current needs and builds their website accordingly. The transitions are smooth and captivating, and the design illustrations, using realistic images, are excellent.

Roll Park


This website builds itself while you’re scrolling down the page, surprising you with the new slides, and the information you receive is important and useful.



Online fashion can be very cool and WE+AR TRBL is a fashion startup that proves this.



Good sectioning and clear contrast make this website shine. The animations are subtle, helping you discover the website showcasing their contemporary and innovative business idea.

Likely Story


This website is very appealing with minimalist illustrations and saturated background colors and a story that writes itself.

The Templeton Prize


The great animations of this website work with a variety of colors and intriguingly keep them in motion.

The Power of Sound


This website raises awareness about the importance of green energy and will transport you to this world and helps you understand the basic concepts.

Future Living


This website explores the future of our planet in an informative and entertaining way.

Daniele Buffa - Portfolio


Fading and enhancing are the fundamental effects of this website, presenting the portfolio of the Visual & Interaction Designer, Daniele Buffa.

Java Saga Coffee


This new type of scrolling is like a virtual tour, and its best usage is storytelling and building brand images.

The Best Tools for Website Animation

Whole page transitions, as well as small movements of elements, are the primary features of animated websites.

Creating even a tiny motion requires certain tools and plenty of ideas. The content on your page has to be dynamic, interactive, and engaging for all users, so you need to find the perfect tool for your website.

Luckily, there’re lots of internet tools (both free and premium) to help with that, but choosing the right one can be challenging.

The following list should help you decide which tool is best for you.


Bounce.js will let you play with some CSS animation examples. Simply select your component and change the settings according to your imagination. When you’ve finished, export the animated file and use it on your website.



This is an interesting tool for animated websites on HTML5. Koolmoves’ features include special effects on text and images, slide shows, and buttons. They are all fully responsive for mobile devices.

Magic Animations


Magic Animations is one of the biggest animation libraries available and can literally do magic with your website. There is a list of different types of movements that you can combine to create unique visuals.



AnijS proposes some of the basic functions to make your website work – If, On, Do, To. Using these and some imagination, you can create extraordinary effects.

GreenSock (GSAP)


This is an endless source of inspiration for a new animation system on your website.



Many CSS effects you’ve seen might have been taken from Animate.css. This library is very accessible, even for beginners. Its biggest advantage is that the user can easily link the CSS and add the CSS classes to the HTML elements.



A simple visual design covers efficient and fast animations. These effects will not inhibit the speed of your website and will preserve its responsiveness.



This is the JavaScript animation engine of the future. It is the magic behind Spicr, and is the result of hard work, a bridge between old and new, and the dream and inspiration.



ScrollMagic is a plugin, which means you can easily install, enable, and use it. Users generally use it to animate elements while scrolling or hovering.



This library is worth mentioning due to its suitable effects for any type of website or design.



This library proves that shaking effects can be incredibly varied. You will find the best shake motion for whatever image you want to create.



Velocity is an animation engine with the same API as jQuery's $.animate(). It works with and without jQuery. It's fast, and features color animation, transforms, loops, easings, SVG support, and scrolling.



This is another version of the Animate.css app which enables you to start with zero setups on your elements and build their motion on the way. You have both the features of a great app and the freedom of choice.

Tween JS


This is a JavaScript dedicated library, with elements compatible with the EaselJS library. The tweening effect is versatile and this program will help you master it.

FAQ on animated websites

What purpose do animated websites serve?

Animated websites serve a dual purpose: engagement and communication. Matured beyond mere decorative flair, these dynamic entities enhance user interaction, making navigation intuitive. They exemplify the pinnacle of user experience design, guiding visitors through a visual narrative that amplifies both the message and the brand's unique voice.

How does animation affect website load time?

Incorporating animation can tip the scales on page load time, a crucial website performance metric. Balance and optimization are key. Employ web animation libraries like GSAP for their efficiency, and always favor lightweight SVG animation techniques over heavier graphics to maintain a sprightly website demeanor.

Can animated websites be SEO-friendly?

Absolutely. SEO-friendly animations whisper to search engines with semantic richness rather than shouting. Properly tagged animations, especially when deploying HTML5 and CSS, help search engines discern content structure and intent, allowing an animated website to gracefully waltz through the rankings.

What are the best tools for creating web animations?

The toolbox for the modern web artisan brims with choice. Adobe After Effects for intricate storyboarded animations, Canvas API or WebGL for rich interactive graphics, and the ever-trusty triumvirate of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for animations that flow as smoothly as fine wine.

Are there accessibility concerns with animated websites?

Absolutely. Accessibility must never play second fiddle. Animation should always be user-controllable, providing options to pause or disable if necessary. Adding ARIA attributes and ensuring compliance with WCAG guidelines ensures that your website’s dialogue with users is not only vivacious but also inclusive.

How do animated websites impact mobile user experience?

Responsive animated sites are akin to chameleons—adaptable to the environment. They must reconfigure gracefully on smaller screens to ensure animation preserves its charm without hindering the interaction—essentially enhancing the mobile user experience rather than obstructing it.

What makes a good animated website?

A good animated website tells a story. It's knit with the threads of creative website design, animation timed with surgical precision, and interactions that feel as natural as the morning breeze. The user's journey should be both intuitive and memorable—a dance, not a maze.

Can animations improve website conversion rates?

Animations capture attention and guide users. Executed with purpose—highlighting calls to action, creating emotion, illustrating products—they funnel visitors towards conversion, simultaneously whispering benefits and ushering users down the path to the decisive click that seals the deal.

Emerging web design trends that paint tomorrow's landscape are nearly sentient UI/UX design trends that react to user behavior, storytelling visuals that rival cinematic masterpieces, and augmented reality experiences that dissolve the boundaries between digital and tangible worlds.

How important is browser compatibility for animated websites?

Browser compatibility remains the cornerstone of web design. Even the most bewitching animations lose their magic if they stutter or freeze. Cross-browser testing ensures your animated narratives play out seamlessly, irrespective of the user's choice of window into the digital universe.


Embarking on this odyssey through examples of animated websites, we've stitched a tapestry of motion and interactivity that truly embodies the spirit of modern web design. Our digital canvas, once static and silent, now pirouettes with animations that enrich the narrative and galvanize user engagement.

  • WebGL to SVG,
  • Full-page animations to subtle transitions,
  • Every tactic employed serves a singular mission: to transform the mundane into the extraordinary.

As we tie the final knot, remember that animation's true worth is measured by its ability to enhance the story, to make the complex simple, and to guide the user with visual cues that are as intuitive as they are beautiful. 

These animated experiences we've shared are not just fleeting trends but markers of evolution in the digital space. They stand as innovative web designs, not mere backdrops, urging us all to push boundaries, to keep our creations lively, and to continue crafting experiences that resonate and inspire.

These 43 animated websites along with the useful tools will help you build your website successfully.

However, you may still need help, and Be Theme is here for you. These are just some of the functionalities you will benefit from:

  • Choose between the popular BeBuilder 3 and WPBakery
  • Choose the layout you find suitable. You don’t have to build every page from scratch.
  • Work quickly and be efficient. No coding experience or knowledge needed. Use the shortcuts and the drag&drop functions.

Use the Admin’s Panel from Be and take advantage of its unmatched flexibility.

If you enjoyed reading this article on impressive animated websites, you should check out this one about accessible websites examples.

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Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.