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The post Showcase of Excellent Website Portfolio Design Examples appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Oopsie! WordPress Images Not Displaying So Let’s Fix That Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:01:58 +0000 Troubleshooting in WordPress can be tedious. Without an easy guide to follow, users spend hours trying to fix the issues.

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The post Oopsie! WordPress Images Not Displaying So Let’s Fix That appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Inspiring SaaS Website Design Examples to Learn From Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:33:30 +0000 The post Inspiring SaaS Website Design Examples to Learn From appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

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Enhancing User Experience With Typography in Web Design Mon, 22 Apr 2024 12:29:45 +0000 Words may be the lifeblood of a website, but it’s typography in web design that sets the pulse. The right font breathes character into pixels, whispering the story of a brand into the reader’s consciousness. It’s the silent yet powerful force defining user experience, marrying aesthetics with functionality. In this read, there’s […]

The post Enhancing User Experience With Typography in Web Design appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Words may be the lifeblood of a website, but it’s typography in web design that sets the pulse. The right font breathes character into pixels, whispering the story of a brand into the reader’s consciousness.

It’s the silent yet powerful force defining user experience, marrying aesthetics with functionality.

In this read, there’s a dive deep into the alphabet soup of web typography. From the meticulous dance of typefaces to the science of readability, the journey reveals how subtle text nuances significantly impact audience engagement and brand perception.

The art of molding letters not only carries the weight of information but also ensures it’s served with clarity.

Prepare to uncover the layer beneath the surface, beyond mere letters and into the realm of visual storytelling.

By the end, there will be no secrets left in coordinating the symphony of serifs with the practicality of pixels, and mastering this craft in the vast, digital landscape.

Understanding Typography Elements

Typefaces and Fonts

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When diving into the world of Typography in Web Design, we hit a common fork in the road: typefaces and fonts. Though they seem similar to the uninitiated, they’re distinctly different beasts.

A typeface is like the music of a band, encompassing a style, vibe, melody—aesthetic. It’s the visual equivalent of the genre. Imagine it as the overarching family name. Arial, for instance, is a typeface, much like rock is to music genres.

A font, on the other hand, is like the album in that genre. It’s the physical manifestation of the typeface.

Arial bold 12pt is a font, just as ‘Thriller’ is to pop. It’s more granular, detailing the specifics—weight, size, and style—the nuts and bolts that make it work on your web page.

Within this sphere, we see the timeless battle of serifs and sans-serifs.

Serifs bring a traditional sense of flair, with little feet adorning characters, as seen on Times New Roman.

They’re old-school, a hat tip to printed literature, often dressing up more formal settings.

Sans-serifs, the modernists, ditch the frills for a cleaner line—think Arial or Helvetica.

These are the to-go for clarity, especially in the digital landscape where crispness equals readability. On screens, they help keep eyeballs from tiring, which is vital.

The usage then becomes a question of context. A fancy wedding invite might call for serifs’ sophistication, while a startup’s website craves the clean, approachable look of sans-serifs.

Technical Aspects of Typography

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Kerning, Tracking, and Leading

Kerning is a subtle art, the tightrope walk of spacing between specific letters. It’s ensuring “AV” doesn’t look like a singular, perplexing symbol.

It’s the individual attention that brings harmony to letter pairs.

In the same breath, we talk about tracking. If kerning is the individualized spacing, tracking is the equalizer.

It adjusts letter spacing uniformly, affecting the overall density and texture of the text block.

Let’s not forget leading—the vertical spacing, the high jumper of typesetting.

It’s the gap between baselines, the breathing room for lines. Set it too tight, and you suffocate the text; too loose, and it’s a jumble of thoughts failing to connect.

Color and Contrast

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Color whispers feeling into text. It’s the mood lighting. Go bold with reds for energy, or soft with blues for trust. It’s the visual representation of tone.

But, caution—contrast is key. A gray font on a slightly darker gray background? That’s a recipe for eye gymnastics no reader wants to endure.

High contrast is the beacon for readability. Black on white—classic for a reason. It’s like clear dialogue in a movie.

No one wants to strain to catch the plotline, just like no reader wants to squint at the screen.

Font Sizes and Line Height

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Comfort is king—font sizes should be the comfy couch of web design. Too small, and it’s like sitting on pebbles.

Too large? It’s an echo in an empty hall. The right size invites the reader in, nudging them to stay awhile.

And it’s not just about size; enter line height. A partner to leading, line height determines the personal space of each word.

It’s setting the table for a feast of words where every guest has enough room to savor the meal.

Designing for Readability and Legibility

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Challenges of Digital Typography

Whisk yourself into the digital streams of today’s web, and you’ll splash against the rocks of screen sizeresolution, and calibration.

Like a chameleon, digital typography must adapt, morphing to fit screens from palm-sized smartphones to billboard-esque monitors.

The resolution sharpness shifts across devices; a font that sings on a retina display may croak on lower resolution screens.

Calibration? That’s another beast. Imagine colors and clarity changing with each screen; it’s like every person hearing a different version of a song based on their headphones.

Then, there’s the multi-device compatibility jig. It’s not just about making sure text looks good on a laptop and forgetting the rest. No, no.

This dance involves twirling gracefully across devices of all sorts. You’ve got tablets, phones, laptops, all joining in.

Each device is a unique stage, and if the choreography isn’t spot-on, well, the performance falters—all the world’s your stage, and that stage is wickedly diverse.

Best Font Selection for Screen Reading

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In the arena of Typography in Web Design, web-safe fonts wield the shield of consistency.

They’re the brave warriors battling across browsers, devices, operating systems. They keep the peace by looking good everywhere. Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman—these are the trusty steads, reliable and steadfast.

But look closer. The hero of our story might just be x-height and counter.

You see, x-height, that’s the height of lowercase letters, plays a colossal role in how easy fonts are on the eyes. Taller x-heights? They bring clarity, making the tiny ‘e’ and ‘s’ more discernible on screens.

Then there’s the counter—the open space in letters like ‘o’ and ‘c’. It’s like the courtyard in a bustling castle; the more open it is, the easier it is to navigate.

Small counters can muddle the view, blending letters into an indecipherable stew.

Typography Practices in Web Design

Establishing Hierarchy and Focus

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Imagine entering a library with books scattered all around. Typographic hierarchy is the librarian of your content; it organizes, categorizes, and brings order to the chaos.

Through size, color, and style, it whispers to the reader, “Start here, go there next.”

The impact is immense. It guides the reader’s journey through headings, subheadings, body text, drawing attention where it’s due.

It’s a silent conductor leading an orchestra, each element—a note played at the right volume, at the precise moment.

Then comes setting a visual order. It’s placing breadcrumbs along the forest trail of the webpage.

Readers follow, almost without thinking; larger fonts for titles, bolded for emphasis, italics for whispers. It’s the path well-lit, and it feels natural. Who loves getting lost anyway?

Formatting for a Pleasant Reading Experience

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Opening a book, the text meets the eye in comforting waves. On the web, it’s the same.

The delicious width of lines, the way text blocks hug the edge of the screen, or float in a sea of white space—it all matters.

Line width and text block shaping — get this right, and it’s like arranging furniture in a room, welcomes you in, sit down, stay awhile. Too wide and the reader’s eyes tire, dashing back and forth. Too narrow and the rhythm is broken, choppy like a rough sea.

Now, picture a canvas — that’s your background. Then, the paint —that’s your font color.

It’s a match that needs to complement, not clash. High contrast? It’s the bread and butter for legibility. Soft on the eyes but clear as crystal. It’s the morning coffee, just the right strength, perfectly balanced.

Mobile Typography Considerations

Switch gears, swap lenses; now the world’s in the palm of hands. Mobile devices—ubiquitous and unyielding.

Scaling for them is non-negotiable. Every letter sculpted to perfection, no matter the screen.

The fonts that shine on desktop must also glow on mobile.

Resizing, adjusting, maintaining that seamless beauty, crafting that functionality, it’s no less than architectural ingenuity.

Then, adaptability —the chameleon skill. Responsiveness—text flexing, flowing, falling in place as screens pivot and twist.

It’s tapping into rhythm, a fluid dance between content and container, always in sync, and never missing a step.

Implementing Effective Typography

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Typography Mistakes to Avoid

Stroll down the path of creating digital spaces and soon discover that missteps in typography are as common as pebbles on a beach.

One of the slip-ups made often is not giving enough breathing room between lines — it’s like trying to read a book with all the words in a scramble.

Correction? There’s a magic to mastering leading — that’s the space between lines.

Not just random spaces, but carefully measured ones that allow each word to stand out, ensuring none are lost in a sea of text. Ensure that the line spacing invites eyes to glide smoothly over text, not jump like a bunny in a meadow.

Now, consider fonts.

A jambalaya of typefaces on one page — well, that’s like wearing stripes with polka dots, it confuses the eye.

Stick to two, maybe three fonts; keep it classy and coherent. Mixing typefaces? Only if they’re from the same family, or complement each other like wine and cheese. Harmony is the goal, discord the danger.

Utilization of Typography Tools and Resources

Ah, technology! It brings an arsenal of tools that serve as allies in the quest for typographic excellence. Found a font on a whim?

There’s a plugin for that, identifying fonts from any site with a click. Need to pair fonts? There’s an app singing the perfect duet of typefaces.

And workflows — there are golden gadgets that layout font properties right in the browser.

Tweak away, watch the live magic as text evolves before your very eyes. CSS font properties become less of code and more of a canvas to paint upon.

Diving deeper, platforms for font selection and testing are like a playground for grown-ups.

Adobe Fonts, Google Fonts, offering up their treasures like libraries with infinite stories. Test. Try. Fall in love with a typeface.

Practical Application of Typography in Web Design

Best Practices for Typography

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In pursuit of visual harmony, where does one even begin? Start by picturing a seesaw balanced with care.

Words and whitespace, size and scale, all weighed for that perfect equilibrium. Let headings stand tall, body text follow in measured footsteps, and calls to action shout with might.

Practically, think of a palette: limit choices to avoid a cacophony of hues.

It’s like ingredients in a dish; too many, and the flavors clash. Opt for a limited number of fonts, each serving its purpose, none fighting for attention.

The rules of thumb are simple, yet profound.

Choose web-safe fonts, dress them up for the occasion, and never fear white space — it’s the canvas for your word art. Be consistent with styles, tie them to actions and meanings.

FAQ On Typography In Web Design

What’s the difference between a typeface and a font?

Typefaces are the collective family of a set of characters sharing the same design principles.

A font is a subset; it’s the digital file that dictates the typeface’s specific weight, style, and size. It’s like a recipe and an ingredient.

Why is choosing the right font important in web design?

Choosing the right font is crucial as it affects both readability and the emotional impact of your site.

It’s part of visual communication, enhancing user experience and ensuring that the message resonates with users, aligning with a brand’s voice and identity.

How does typography affect user experience?

Typography weaves through user experience, guiding users with visual hierarchy and legibility, fostering a seamless journey through content.

Proper typography ensures information is digestible and enjoyable, thereby increasing visitor engagement and comprehension.

What is typographic hierarchy and why is it important?

Typographic hierarchy organizes content, signifying importance through size, color, and font variations.

It’s vital for leading readers’ eyes, framing information flow, and promoting an intuitive understanding of content structure.

This hierarchy forms the visual rhythm on a webpage, enabling efficient information processing.

How does one ensure typography is accessible and inclusive?

Ensuring typography is accessible involves choosing web-safe fonts, ample contrast, considerate font sizes, and supporting assistive technologies.

It’s about inclusivity, ensuring legibility across various visual abilities, thus reaching a broader audience and aligning with web accessibility standards.

What role does responsive typography play in web design?

Responsive typography dynamically adjusts to various screen sizes and resolutions, providing an optimal reading experience across devices.

It adapts through scaling font sizes, line heights, and weights, ensuring text is both beautiful and functional on any device, from desktops to smartphones.

Can typography impact a website’s loading speed?

Absolutely, typography can affect loading times. Web fonts, especially custom or multiple font files, add additional HTTP requests.

Responsibly using system or optimized fonts can mitigate these effects on speed, enhancing the balance between aesthetic and performance.

Are there any rules for mixing fonts?

When mixing fonts, aim for complementary contrasts and avoid over cluttering. Stick with a pairing—a serif with a sans-serif, for example, balancing style and readability. Maintain consistency across design elements, ensuring harmony and a unified design language.

What is kerning and how does it affect web typography?

Kerning adjusts the spacing between specific character pairs to prevent visual awkwardness and improve readability.

Even slight modifications can fine-tune the text’s appearance, facilitating a pleasant reading experience and maintaining visual consistency throughout the web content.

Should web designers stick to web-safe fonts only?

While sticking to web-safe fonts guarantees universal compatibility, it’s not a strict rule anymore.

With advancements in CSS and font resources like Google Fonts, designers can safely explore a wider range of typefaces, provided there’s careful consideration for fallbacks and loading times.


Wading through the nuances of typography in web design, one unearths the true essence of digital aesthetics.

The journey across the font landscape is much like crafting a visual symphony, where each letter plays its part in the grand schema of user interaction and visual communication.

The mastery lies in the delicate balance of readability, accessibility, and expressive typography tools—all working in concert to echo the brand’s voice.

The realization dawns that every curve of a serif and the sleek line of a sans-serif is a strategic choice, resounding with purpose and intent.

Navigating responsive typography and emerging web font technologies equips us with an evolving toolkit, propelling our narratives into ever-more engaging and inclusive territories.

As the final pixel falls into place, what remains is the clarity of content transformed into an immersive user experience, where each word is set with intention—a quiet nod to the power of well-executed typography.

If you enjoyed reading this article on typography in web design, you should check out these articles also:

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Mastering Color Theory in Web Design: A Comprehensive Guide Fri, 19 Apr 2024 12:20:50 +0000 Imagine landing on a webpage and instantly feeling a certain way, captivated, energized, or calmed, without even reading a word. This silent conversation is the craft of color theory in web design, a symphony of hues intricately woven to speak directly to the subconscious. Here lies the power to tell a […]

The post Mastering Color Theory in Web Design: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Imagine landing on a webpage and instantly feeling a certain way, captivated, energized, or calmed, without even reading a word.

This silent conversation is the craft of color theory in web design, a symphony of hues intricately woven to speak directly to the subconscious.

Here lies the power to tell a brand’s story, evoke emotions, and drive actions – all through the visual melody of colors.

In this exploration, the veil will be lifted on how strategic color choices can be the difference between a site that stands tall or one that fades into the digital abyss.

Delve into the psychology behind colors, the cultural language they speak, and the practical sorcery in crafting palettes that resonate.

Discover the best practices for integrating color theory with design strategies that align with site goals, enhance user experience, and ensure accessibility for all.

By the end of this journey, the wizardry of color theory will no longer be a mystery, providing the tools to turn any web canvas into a captivating masterpiece.

Fundamentals of Color Theory

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Understanding the Color Wheel

Let’s take a walk around the color wheel, an artist’s best friend and a vital buddy for anyone diving into web design.

Picture a big, bright pie sliced into various colors stemming out from the center. At the heart of it all, we find the primary colors: redblue, and yellow. These are the original parents of the colors we know and love; they can’t be created by mixing others, they just are.

But mix we must, and when we do, magic happens. Combining primary hues gives birth to the secondary colors.

Red and blue get cozy to make violet; blue and yellow shake hands and produce green; yellow and red have a dance and yellow says hello.

There’s a sense of balance here, a harmony in the making. Because create we must, and when we combine these friends, we meet the adventurous tertiary colors, a quirky blend of primary and secondary, like red-orange and blue-green.

Color wheel chats need to include the dynamic duos and trios: complementaryanalogous, and triadic colors.

Complementary colors are the opposites, sitting across from each other, like red and green – they bring out the best in each other.

Analogous colors are the neighbors, like green and yellow – familiar and comfortable. Triadic colors? Now, they are a diverse group – three equidistant players on the wheel, bringing a balanced yet bold vibe.

Color Terminologies and Relationships

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Okay, it’s time to sharpen our color vocabulary. First up, hue. That’s just a fancy word for the color itself. Think of it as the pure essence of color.

Next, let’s talk about saturation—that’s the intensity of a hue, its colorfulness. A color can shout or whisper; how saturated it is will determine the volume.

What about lightness? Sometimes called value, it’s all about how light or dark a color appears.

Lightness sails on a scale from bright white to rich black, with the hue of our choice aboard for the ride.

We’ve got more friends joining the party: tintsshades, and tones. Add white to your pure hue, and you’re walking in a field of tints – they’re the lighter offspring of your color.

Throw some black into the mix, and you create shades, the deeper, darker sides of the hue. Tones are the level-headed ones – they come to life with a touch of gray, a harmonizing force dampening the wildness of pure colors.

Now, about the harmony of it all. Color relationships can make or break a design. Think of them as different chords in a melody.

They can delight or jar when put together; it all comes down to finding that sweet spot where different hues sing in unison. Whether it’s the monochromatic whisper of similar tones or the loud chorus of contrasting shades, it’s all about that inner sense of balance.

Color Schemes and Their Applications

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Types of Color Schemes

Picture a painter at their canvas, but the canvas is your screen and the paint is digital.

It’s crucial to pick the right combination of colors because they set the mood, the vibe, and the visual story that unfolds. The paint palette is big, though, and choosing can be as tricky as nailing jelly to a tree.

Monochrome is like a single note played in varied pitches; one color, different shades. It’s safe, it’s harmonious, and it’s snug as a bug in a rug.

But sometimes you crave a bit more spice, right?

Enter Analogous schemes, a hand-holding trio of colors that live side by side on the color wheel. They’re like a flawless harmony, pleasing and soft.

The design feels like wearing your favorite sweater: comfortable, reliable, but still stylish.

Now for the drama: Complementary colors. A pair of opposites attract, like fire and ice, loud and proud.

They punch up the volume and can make buttons and calls-to-action on a webpage jump out like a frog on a hotplate.

Fancy more complexity? Go Triadic. Select three colors spaced equally apart, and you’ve got a dynamic ensemble. But hold on; we have a fourth musketeer: Tetradic.

This involves four colors in two complementary pairs. It’s like cooking with exotic spices—excellent if you know what you’re doing but easy to overdo.

Choosing these ensembles isn’t whimsical. Ask questions: What journey do I want to take the viewer on? Is this a serene, walk-in-the-woods vibe or a neon-lit, downtown buzz? Contrast, balance, and harmony are the guiding stars here – use them, and watch your web canvas come alive.

Practical Applications in Web Design

Grab your designer hat because we’re about to weave these color schemes into the fabric of user experience.

They aren’t just pretty faces; they do the heavy lifting in guiding eyes and clicking fingers.

First off, Enhancing User Navigation. Colors are more than show ponies; they’re workhorses, charting the course for users like signs on a highway.

Monochrome can guide users with subtle nudges, while complementary combos can highlight the important pit stops like sign-up forms and buy buttons.

As for Site Aesthetics, think of color schemes as the décor of a room; they can whisper elegance or scream fun.

A dash of analogous harmony can wrap a website in a cohesive blanket, while triadic schemes toss in a bit of joyful chaos for flavor.

Now, let’s unfold some Case Studies. Recall that minimalist design with the smooth blue hues and a dash of yellow that went viral?

Or that e-commerce juggernaut that uses red accents to rev up the ‘Buy Now’ urge? Their secrets weren’t just their colors but their methodical color scheme choices meshing with the brand’s heartbeat.

People remember the visuals.

The tints, tones, and shades in these schemes have the power to make a visitor stick around, share with friends, and click where it counts.

Psychological Impact of Colors

Color Psychology Basics

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Imagine colors whispering secrets, and each hue is a key that unlocks different emotions and reactions; that’s color psychology for you.

It’s a real thing, affecting how folks feel when they land on a page. Reds scream passion and urgency – ever wonder why sale signs are often red?

It’s like a visual shot of espresso. Blues calm the soul, like gazing at the ocean or a clear sky.

Each color sneaks into our subconscious, triggering reactions we’re sometimes not even aware of.

They shape our moods, influence decisions, and even affect appetite. Yep, that’s why fast-food joints often rock the red and yellows – it’s like a one-two punch for hunger and haste.

And green? It’s more than just envy or luck.

It embodies tranquility and growth, planting seeds of peace and renewal in the mind’s eye. Plus, the world agrees it’s go-time with green – like a universal thumbs-up.

Applying Color Psychology in Web Design

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This color chit-chat becomes real talk when splashing them across a website. It’s matchmaking, really – lining up the right colors with what a brand stands for.

Say a website’s all about eco-friendly products; wrap it in shades of green, sprinkle in some earthy browns, and you’ve set the scene for Mother Nature’s digital home.

It’s like asking, who’s coming over? Young, vibrant audiences might dig bright, punchy colors that scream fun and adventure.

A more mature crowd? They might lean towards subdued, sophisticated palettes that whisper class and trust.

Take a deep dive into who the audience is, what their hearts beat for, and how they see the world.

Tailoring the color wardrobe to fit their tastes makes for a welcoming digital handshake and a “Come on in, we get you”.

Cultural Considerations in Color Selection

The Importance of Cultural Context

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Like a globe-trotter picking up souvenirs from every stop, every color scoops up meanings along its travels.

This invisible suitcase of meanings varies from one place to another. It’s fascinating how a color can get lost in translation across cultures.

As someone thinking about every dot on the map, walking through this is like tip-toeing across a floor of cultural thumbtacks.

Colors talk in a language without words; they might tell a story of celebration in one country but sing a ballad of mourning in the next.

Dive into every culture, and you’ll see reds can mean good fortune, or they could be fierce warnings.


They could be clean slates or symbols of grief. Context is queen here, and acknowledging that is like giving a nod to each traveler’s unique journey.

Strategies for Global and Culturally Diverse Audiences

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First, let’s talk research – not the nose-in-book kind, more like a get-your-hands-dirty, meet-the-people gig. It’s about reaching into the diversity cookie jar and knowing what each color cookie stands for to the fingers reaching out.

Survey says… understanding your global audience is step one. You’ve got to know their norms, taboos, and triggers.

That “wow” factor can quickly turn into “whoa, hold up” if a color rubs the audience the wrong way.

Avoiding that faux pas means peeling back the layers of cultural paint to ensure your palette respects sensibilities and expressions.

Imagine the online world as one big potluck. The diverse spread is what makes it a feast, not a single-dish dinner.

So, understanding audience shades isn’t just about avoiding the bad; it’s a full embrace of the good, the alignment, the authenticity.

It’s a commitment to ensuring every click feels like a warm handshake, not a toe-stepping dance misstep.

Creating and Implementing Color Palettes

Designing a Color Palette

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Think of this process like a chef foraging for the perfect ingredients. First up, scouting for that primary color – the one that shouts the loudest about what the vibe is. It’s the hero of the story.

Maybe it’s as bold as a superhero’s cape or as subtle as the hint of dawn. This choice is the anchor, the main melody in an orchestral piece.

Now, every hero needs a squad. So, picking supporting colors is like casting the best sidekicks – they add depth, contrast, and complexity.

They’re the harmony supporting the melody. It’s about mixing and matching till it feels like that moment when everything falls into place.

For superpowers, there are tools galore. Matching hues using Adobe Color, playing with tints and shades, and tapping into color psychology – they’re like the utility belt for the task.

There’s a wealth of resources out there: color libraries, digital tools like Coolors, and even nature itself. From the Pantone Matching System to CSS and SASS preprocessors managing those shades and RGB color models, everything’s ripe for the plucking.

The 60/30/10 Rule in Color Application

Ever heard of this rule? It’s not just numbers; it’s a design mantra. Imagine a room dressed in 60% of a dominant hue, 30% secondary color to lessen the intensity, and then a 10% accent color – the cherry on top.

It’s like a tried-and-true recipe for visual appeal. This rule is a balancing act, a see-saw ensuring nothing gets too loud or whispers too quietly.

Balancing Color Usage in Web Design is like giving each hue a role in a play. The lead actor, the supporting role, and the cameo – they each contribute to the story without stepping on each other’s lines.

Now, bring in Examples of Effective Implementation in Web Layouts – a portfolio, perhaps, where the eye-catching 10% is handpicked icons, or an e-commerce site where the call-to-action buttons pop, thanks to that accent color.

Stick to this formula, and watch as each section comes alive in a harmonic dance.

It creates a rhythm, a visual language that speaks without saying a word.

Accessibility and Contrast in Color Usage

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Importance of Contrast for Readability and Accessibility

Step into a room where the lights are dim. Notice how hard it is to find your way around? Now flip the switch, let light flood in, and boom – everything’s clear.

That’s the power of contrast in a nutshell. It’s not just about making things pop; it’s about guiding folks through a space, or in our case, through a webpage.

High contrast isn’t just a style choice; it’s a helping hand for those squinting at screens or those who navigate the digital world differently due to visual impairments.

The right contrast turns the baffling maze of a website into a clear path of breadcrumbs.

Tools and Guidelines for Evaluating Color Contrast

Thank goodness for the toolbox we have for this job. There’s a slew of gadgets and gizmos to ensure no one’s left in the fog.

We’ve got digital tools like the Color Contrast Analyzer, which is like a trusty sidekick that spots potential pitfalls before they trip anyone up.

And guidelines? They’re like the secret recipe for inclusivity. W3C lays it out with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Imagine rules of the road that make sure everyone, and I mean everyone, gets where they’re going safely.

Balancing Aesthetics with User Accessibility Needs is like walking a tightrope. Leaning too much on swanky trends might leave some users teetering on the edge.

But focus solely on accessibility, and you risk a design that’s as bland as unsalted crackers. It’s about mixing that cocktail to the right measure.

Techniques for Enhancing Web Accessibility Through Color

Dive a little deeper, and it’s all about using color as signposts – a beacon for the next click, a spotlight on important info. Clever use of hues can guide users like a tour guide in a museum, highlighting the masterpieces without saying a word.

Strategies for Using Color to Improve Navigation and Information Hierarchy are about setting up a visual pecking order.

Like guests at a dinner party, every element on the page needs to know its place – the important bits getting the head-chair and the background details not outshining the star of the show.

Ensuring every website visit is as smooth as a jazz tune means Ensuring Compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). It’s like hitting all the right notes so the tune hums along sweetly for all ears, or in this case, all eyes.

Best Practices for Color Theory Application in Web Design

t Mastering Color Theory in Web Design: A Comprehensive Guide

Integrating Color Theory with Overall Design Strategy

Imagine weaving a tapestry with a rich variety of threads. Each color has a role, a purpose, a moment in the sun. Here, it’s not about splashing paint wildly; it’s about crafting a harmony where each shade complements the other, moving the narrative forward.

Laying down a color plan involves asking: “What’s the goal here?” Is the target to soothe like a gentle stream or energize like a morning jog? It’s peering through that lens when picking a palette.

Colors wrap around site goals, cozy as a sweater, shaping user interactions like a potter molds clay.

Would cool blues instill trust for an online bank? Or maybe nurturing greens to emphasize an eco-friendly brand? It’s syncing up those vibes with the website’s heartbeat.

The magic happens in Aligning Color Choices with Site Goals and User Expectations.

It’s all about living up to that unspoken promise made when someone clicks a link and lands on a page. Expectations are like unlit candles; the right colors can be the match that lights them.

And then, there’s the Continuous Testing and Refinement Based on User Feedback. Launching a site is just the opening act.

What follows is listening—really listening—to what visitors say. Their voices pave the path for tweaks and polishes, making sure the color story stays fresh and relevant.

FAQ On Color Theory In Web Design

What is the significance of color theory in web design?

Creating a website without color theory is like baking without a recipe; you need understanding and balance to evoke the right feelings and actions from visitors. It’s essential for brand representation, user engagement, and overall aesthetic cohesion.

How do I choose the right color palette for my website?

Start with the brand’s identity and the message you want to communicate. Use tools like Adobe Color for inspiration and consider user psychology. Balance warm and cool tones and remember accessibility guidelines like WCAG to ensure readability.

Can color influence user behavior on a website?

Absolutely, hues carry emotional weight. For instance, red can create a sense of urgency, prompting quicker decision-making, while blue can instill trust and calm. Picking the right shades can guide user actions subtly yet effectively.

What are the best practices for using color contrast in web design?

The key is readability and accessibility. High contrast ratios, as recommended by WCAG, help users with visual impairments navigate content. Aim for a balance that is eye-catching but not glaring, using contrast analyzers to refine your choices.

How important is it to consider cultural color meanings in web design?

Immensely, if you’re speaking to a global audience. Colors like white can signify purity in one culture and mourning in another. Research and audience understanding are crucial to ensure your color choices resonate appropriately across diverse cultures.

What is the 60/30/10 rule in color usage, and should I follow it?

It’s a classic interior design principle adapted to web design. Use 60% as your dominant hue, 30% as a secondary color, and 10% for an accent color to create a balanced, harmonious site. It’s not a strict rule but a solid guideline for aesthetics.

How does color psychology play into web design?

Color psychology is the cornerstone of inducing emotions and reactions in users. Understanding it helps in crafting experiences that align with the site’s goals. Whether calming or energizing, the psychological impact of colors cannot be overstated in web design.

What tools can I use to create a color scheme for my website?

Besides Adobe Color, Coolors and Palette Generator are great sources. Integrating tools like SASS or LESS can also manage complex schemes in stylesheets, while resources like the Pantone Color System ensure consistency across digital and physical branding.

How do I ensure my website’s color palette is accessible to all users?

Use contrast checkers and refer to WCAG. Opt for color-blind friendly palettes and ensure there’s sufficient contrast between text and background colors. Incorporating tools like A11y can guide accessible-friendly color decisions.

While trends can inspire, grounding your choices in the brand’s identity and audience preferences is paramount. Trends come and go, but the emotional and functional use of color is timeless. Let trends inform, not dictate, your color strategy.


Weaving through the intricate fabric of color theory in web design, we’ve unraveled how color choices shape the very skeleton of a user’s experience. It’s the silent whisper that either charms or alarms, the pivot on which user engagement swings. From accessibility and cross-browser color consistency to emotional resonance and brand alignment – it’s undeniable that each hue holds power.

In closing, remember that a website isn’t simply a canvas for vibrant aesthetics. It’s a strategic puzzle where each piece – whether it’s the soothing tones of a minimalist design, the bold statement of high-contrast visuals, or the cultural nuances echoed in a color palette – is meticulously chosen to enhance the user’s journey. By leveraging the unspoken eloquence of colors, web design transcends being just visually appealing; it becomes evocatively compelling and inclusive, beckoning each visitor with a visual language that speaks without words.

If you enjoyed reading this article on color theory in web design, you should check out these articles also:

The post Mastering Color Theory in Web Design: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:08:58 +0000 You have probably noticed that WordPress automatically includes the category prefix in the URL slug of your site. Each category has its own archive page, so this feature keeps the content well organized.

The post How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

You have probably noticed that WordPress automatically includes the category prefix in the URL slug of your site. Each category has its own archive page, so this feature keeps the content well organized.

Usually, the prefix doesn\’t need to be removed. It helps visitors understand the structure of your page.

However, sometimes it can be beneficial to remove a category from a WordPress URL. This article explores some valid reasons for taking the prefix out. You’ll also learn how to do it.

Reasons to Remove Category From WordPress URL

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The category prefix is part of the URL slug. As any SEO conscious website developer or owner, your goal is to optimize this feature.

What exactly does URL slug refer to? It is the part of your address that comes right after the domain name. It identifies the resource, a specific page on your site. The slug tells search engines where to find your web page. Moreover, visitors can understand from the keywords what the page is about.

Slugs are usually generated by default from a page title, but they can be changed manually. Ideally, a clean SEO friendly URL contains only meaningful and relevant keywords. They should be intuitive and easy to understand by both search engines and visitors.

That\’s the reason why some developers may decide to remove the category prefix from the URL.

Let\’s have a look at an example of what it could look like if you remove a category from a WordPress URL:

If the original slug was ‘’, the modified slug would be ‘’.

The link in the example above now looks cleaner while it still includes the keywords which are important for SEO. A visitor who found your page using a search engine will also directly see the content he was looking for.

If you modify the permalinks of your site, make sure you redirect old URLs to your new ones. Otherwise, users visiting the old category page will run into an error.

So far, we’ve explained why you may decide to remove categories and what you should be careful about.

Here are some tips on how to take the prefix out of the URL slug.

Modifying Category Base Prefix

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Some developers don\’t mind the length of the URL slug, but they want to personalize it.

In such a case, you can change the Category base. Instead of \’Category\’, you can customize the prefix to \’Articles\’, \’Topics\’, \’Blog\’, \’Genre\’, \’Tutorials\’, or similar.

To demonstrate what the edited slug will look like, we can use the same example mentioned earlier.

If the original slug was ‘’, the new URL could be ‘’.

You can modify the category base prefix if you go to the Settings in your WordPress admin.

Go to your admin dashboard.

Go to Settings >> Permalinks >> Optional >> Category base.

Enter your customized category base (e.g. \’Articles\’)

Save the changes.

By making this modification, you can personalize the category prefix in your WordPress URL. But you may decide to completely remove it.

Remove Category in WordPress Permalinks

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This is an option that allows you to take out the Category prefix completely by modifying your site\’s permanent link settings.

Here is the process described step by step:

Connect to your WordPress dashboard.

Go to Settings >> Permalinks.

Go to Custom Structure and put ‘/%category%/%postname%/’.

Go to Category Base and type in a dot “. “.

Save the changes.

The category prefix was removed by typing the dot in the Category Base field. If the field is left blank, WordPress will use the default prefix.

Removing Category by Adding a Code in functions.php File

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Removing-Category-by-Adding-a-Code-in-functions.php-File How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL

Another way to remove a category from a WordPress URL is by typing in a code in functions.php.

This option will not work if you have already modified the category base settings and replaced or removed the word \’category\’ from your URL slug.

In order to add the code, follow this process:

Go to your WordPress dashboard.

Select Appearance >> Theme Editor.

Find ‘functions.php’.

Type the following code before the last PHP tag:

 function remove_category( $string, $type ) { if ( $type != \'single\' && $type == \'category\' && ( strpos( $string, \'category\' ) !== false ) ) { $url_without_category = str_replace( \"/category/\", \"/\", $string ); return trailingslashit( $url_without_category ); } return $string; } add_filter( \'user_trailingslashit\', \'remove_category\', 100, 2);

Using Yoast\’s SEO Plugin to Remove Category from WordPress URL

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Using-Yoasts-SEO-Plugin-to-Remove-Category-from-WordPress-URL How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL

Yoast SEO is a search engine optimization plug-in for WordPress. It comes with many useful features.

One of the many functions it offers is the possibility to help you remove the category prefix. So if you\’re already using this plugin, this may be another easy way to customize your URL look, without adding or changing any code.

Before you use this procedure, make sure that you haven\’t modified the Category Base settings in permalinks.

Follow the steps below to take the category prefix out:

Go to your WordPress dashboard.

Select Yoast SEO >> Search Appearance>> Taxonomies

Go to Category URLs and select ‘Remove the categories prefix’.

Save the changes.

Modifying .htaccess to Remove Category From WordPress URL

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Besides using a plugin or any of the other options mentioned earlier, you can also remove the category prefix by adding a code to your .htaccess file.

You can access the file either via FTP or cPanel. If you can\’t find the .htaccess file, check if your file manager is set up to show hidden files (dotfiles).

Here are the instructions:

Go to your .htaccess file.

Add the following code after the closing tag in the file:

<p>RewriteRule ^category/(.+)$$1 [R=301,L]</p>
Write your domain name in place of in the code above.

Upload it on your server\’s public_html directory.

Using the Remove Category URL Plugin

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Using-the-Remove-Category-URL-Plugin How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL

The next option you have when trying to modify your URL slug is the Remove Category URL plugin.

This plugin completely removes the category prefix. It\’s easy to use and doesn\’t require any configuration. It also redirects old category permalinks to the new ones.

However, before installing more plugins, try another method first. Some plugins can negatively affect the loading speed of your site.

If you decide to install this tool, these are the steps:

Go to your WordPress dashboard.

Select Plugins >> Add new

Type ‘Remove Category URL’ in the ‘Search plugins’ box.

Click on ‘Install now’.

After it has been installed, click on ‘Activate’.

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Another plugin that can assist you with removing the category prefix is FV Top Level Categories. It is simple to use and light on code. It automatically redirects old category permalinks to the new ones.

Ending thoughts on how to remove category from WordPress URL

Each time you create a new category in WordPress, an archive page for that category is automatically generated. The \’category\’ prefix is by default included in the URL slug.

Although categories add some structure to your content, there are some good reasons to remove the category base.

Trimming the unnecessary wordiness while keeping the important keywords in the URL slug can help the site\’s SEO.

It also improves the readability of the link and makes it easier for visitors to identify the content they are looking for.

There are a few effective ways to remove categories. Changing the permalinks is one option.

Plugins can do the job too. If you\’re already using the Yoast SEO plugin, you can benefit from its many useful features, including the option to remove categories.

There are other plugins too, such as those suggested in this article.

If you feel confident adding a code, you can remove the category prefix in the .htaccess or functions.php file.

Any of the above-mentioned methods will help you achieve the desired customized and SEO friendly look of your URL slug. These steps have been tried and are safe to use.

If you enjoyed reading this article about remove category from WordPress URL, you should read these as well:

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How To Reorder Pages In WordPress Easily

WordPress Failed to Import Media: What to Do Now?

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The post How To Remove the Category From the WordPress URL appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Showcase Success: Websites of Top Digital Marketing Agencies Thu, 28 Mar 2024 13:00:39 +0000 The post Showcase Success: Websites of Top Digital Marketing Agencies appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

The post Showcase Success: Websites of Top Digital Marketing Agencies appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Modern website design: How to create a website that looks awesome Thu, 28 Mar 2024 06:14:36 +0000 Modern website design is not easy, even though some people believe that. The approaches differ tremendously one from another, and it may be hard to choose one.

The post Modern website design: How to create a website that looks awesome appeared first on Be Theme Blog.


Modern website design is not easy, even though some people believe that. The approaches differ tremendously one from another, and it may be hard to choose one. One thing is sure, modern website design is one of the top choices when it comes to website creation.

The only way you can be sure that you selected the best design type for your own website is getting informed about this topic. These few ideas should give you a general impression of what people look for at the moment.

Paramount factors in modern website design

Website design changes from one year to another, just like fashion. You can’t learn a proper way how to design a website because – after all – it’s all about your preferences and your users’ opinions.

Each visitor that stumbles upon your website must enjoy his experience with it, and these few trends and factors should help you understand what people seek at the moment. From how to improve the visuals of your website to delivering messages in a more persuasive way, you will find it all here.


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If you want to learn how to design a website that is appreciated by everyone, the best idea is to start with a minimalist design. As the saying goes, less is more. Modern website design mostly relies on fewer elements that are bold, elegant and convincing. When selecting a minimalist website, you choose the best way to create focus. Visitors will instantly direct their attention towards content. The navigation is maintained fluid and easy and the design elements are kept simple.

A minimalist website is useful because it is easier to manage, it offers great performance, it brings better conversions and it suits all sorts of businesses.


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In a world where mobile phones are used on a daily basis, modern website design must focus on responsiveness. Mobile-friendly websites are a must in today’s world, but they are quite tricky to develop. Even so, almost all modern websites are optimized for accessing them on different platforms such as smartphones and tablets. If your website is great on desktop and has plenty of functions, they are in vain unless you make it accessible for mobile users.

Using typography – the right way

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The best websites out there know how to expose a message. One of the elements that make a difference is typography. Even though it might not seem important at first, the font you choose for your website can determine whether the visitor will continue reading your content or not. You have a large selection of fonts to choose from, so do your research beforehand.

The font you use along with the size you choose for it will dictate where the attention of the visitors will go. Based on these details, you help visitors scan your website easier and faster. Take The New Yorker as an example.

Color palettes explained

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In modern website design, color palettes are more limited, and they need to follow the trends of the year. For starters, you should know that the color schemes you choose influence the feelings and choices of people through psychology. It is proven that people who use too many colors can confuse visitors, which will result in a distracting website that doesn’t attract people or gain their loyalty.

Using a primary and secondary color for your website design is useful and visually-pleasing, as you can combine them after your own liking. Changing the nuances that you use on your website in the future is recommended only if you don’t have a very consistent brand that can’t suffer any modifications.

Negative space

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A modern website is never too crowded. Using a lot of elements will make the website both slow and ugly. Using negative space to give visitors the chance to decide what they want to focus on next is a must. A good webpage design will always contain some negative space to consolidate the whole website.

Adding some empty space around the margins of the website, the header or the footer will give your visitors a break. Minimalist websites are always more open, leaving users a lot of negative space to rest their eyes on. Take a peek at Apple’s website for instance. It is an easily-scannable website with lots of negative space in it.

CTAs and how to include them

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CTA (call-to-action) buttons or sentences are supposed to convince people who see them into doing a certain action. You can notice that most ads contain CTAs because they are effective in turning potential customers into actual ones. The same goes with modern website design. Use CTAs to encourage people to sign up to your newsletter, to download resources you are offering for free or to email you.

You should position CTAs properly so that they are easy to access. On websites, the most important role of CTAs is to gather contact information. The best places to incorporate CTAs is at the end of any blog post and in the sidebars.

The User Experience

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The whole point of modern website design is to make it pleasurable for the user. Users prefer minimalist designs because they are simpler to navigate. Don’t think about boosting your rankings when you build a website. If the site looks cheap and complicated but it is correct from an SEO point of view, you will have nothing to gain.

Your main focus should be the user experience. Google uses algorithms that take into account how much time users spend on your website. Recurring visitors are the ones who count, so make sure that the user experience you provide is worth remembering.

Fast websites are good websites

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Web design is not all about the looks of a website. It also has to be optimized in terms of speed. A website that responds fast and effective to all commands is what users seek. When your website takes minutes to load, most users will leave it instantly. The in-depth design is more difficult to create and it can suffocate the website if it is not used the proper way. Google, YouTube, Apple, Microsoft and so on went from an in-depth design to a flat one and everyone appreciate the move.

To encourage leads and prospects to spend time on your website, you should optimize the images you upload, you should minimize HTTP requests and choose a good hosting option. By doing this, your website will surely become faster besides looking great. It is definitely a principle of modern website design.

Visuals are useful

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When designing a website, you can’t just focus on content. Visuals help people receive the message you want to send in a much quicker manner. You simply have to incorporate the appropriate images and videos on your websites. Bigger images that also contain chunks of text that create the sense of curiosity are used by the best news websites out there, such as Medium.

The reason why they work so great is that they attract users through visuals, but they stay for the good content they find under the image. The same goes for background videos. Users don’t have the time or the patience to read pages and pages of your business history. To avoid that, simply create a background video and let the website tell its story instead.

Gradients are back

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Gradients are duotone designs that were created somewhere around 1995. Since then, they have been used for all sorts of purposes. They are popular once again and modern website design included gradients into the new trends to follow as well. Choose two tones that are pleasant for the eye and incorporate both in your website’s design.

The fading effect is soothing, and most people enjoy it, which means you can’t fail if you use gradients. There are generators online that can help you choose the two colors of your gradient if you’re not sure what nuances go well together. Instead, you can use the colors of your company’s logo or branding image.

Flat and semi-flat design

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You probably noticed that most big brands out there recreated their logos and images in the past few years. Colossal companies such as Apple and Google switched to flat designs because of their simplicity and usefulness. It seems like the trend is still appreciated today and it is more effective than three-dimensional design. Plus, it helps websites load quickly and provides users with a great experience.

The focus is placed entirely on content, which allows customers to direct their attention to what really counts. In modern website design, it is paramount to remain consistent. If you choose a minimalist design, stay minimal. If you choose a flat design, continue with the flat design until the very last bit of building your website.

Product images

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In case you are interested in designing a business website, the easiest way to direct attention towards a product is by using images. As mentioned before, visuals can be used to highlight something of your choice. Large product images that can be zoomed in gives users the impression that they see every little detail about the product, offering it more value.

This way, users can trust your website more and choose your products over others. Some websites even offer 360-degree visualization of their products. You can hire a professional photographer to take quality pictures of your products from different angles. Remember that visuals are the first things that pop in the visitors’ eyes



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If you spend a lot of time on Pinterest, you already know what infographics are. These are images that contain small bits of information that users enjoy a lot. Why? Because they don’t involve reading long text chunks. Instead, they present facts in a visual manner that combines both utility and good looks.

Using such content on your website will also make it responsive if you create them properly. Infographics that are sized appropriately look great on mobile devices too. You have to make sure that the infographic is not too long, and the fonts used are not too small. Considering that it is an image, you won’t be able to modify the fonts once you publish it.

Short videos

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Besides background videos, you can also use short videos to present your products or services. One website that does that is Asos, the fashion brand. A 10-second video should be enough to present the looks of a product. Instagram was based on 10-second videos until they changed their policies and allow longer ones.

Short videos give users the chance to quickly find what they look for. This way, you increase your chance to gain recurring visitors. Long videos can be time-consuming and uninteresting if they are not created in a very persuasive manner. Opt for shorter ones to make sure that the strategy will be effective. Modern website design also includes using GIFs, as long as they don’t make the website slow.

Modern website design examples

If you are looking for websites layout ideas, you can simply search the web and see for yourself what experiences are worth coming back for and what are the ones that should be avoided after one visit. Based on your research, you can decide what you want for your own website. There are a few types you will encounter when looking for web design inspiration. These are:


Clean websites are the ones that people search for the most. A modern approach is the easiest way to make sure that everyone will enjoy the look of the website. Using flat and semi-flat designs, a lot of negative space and visual content should be enough to put together a modern website. The fonts used for such websites are usually sans-serif and the navigation should be intuitive. The industries that should opt for modern design are education, tech, and business.


If what you want to present is more creative and fun-oriented, then a friendly website is what you need to select. Friendly websites are responsive, but they include elements that captivate attention quicker and fill the website, such as illustrations, impressive color palettes, creative infographics, and uncommon fonts. Friendly web designs are meant to create an immersive user experience. The industries that often select creative web designs are food, travel, and entertainment. Businesses that sell goods that involve creativity can also be part of this category.


Finally, classic websites are the ones that you see in many cases. A classic website will gather together the web design elements that are used since online marketing started to be popular. Regular fonts such as Times New Roman, neuter colors and textures and simple visuals define classic websites. These are used by more serious industries that seek for keeping their brand untouched and their customers happy through a responsive, yet sober website.

Final thoughts

You probably got convinced that website creation has almost no boundaries. The approaches are so diverse and numerous that you can’t simply pick one without understanding what it is all about. Modern website design is limited to a few trends that come and go and it is most appreciated by all people. If you want to choose the safest bet for your next website, this would be it. Keep in mind that your website is the connecting tool between you and your customers, so put enough effort and passion into it to obtain that genuine outcome that everyone will find pleasing.

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The post Modern website design: How to create a website that looks awesome appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

The Essential Elements of Web Design Any Designer Should Know Mon, 25 Mar 2024 12:53:10 +0000 Imagine this: Your website, a canvas just waiting to be transformed into a digital masterpiece. It’s where colors collide, layouts lead, and every pixel plays a pivotal role. In the bustling tapestry of the internet, a well-crafted site is like a beacon in the digital night sky. Now, let’s paint […]

The post The Essential Elements of Web Design Any Designer Should Know appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Imagine this: Your website, a canvas just waiting to be transformed into a digital masterpiece. It’s where colors collide, layouts lead, and every pixel plays a pivotal role. In the bustling tapestry of the internet, a well-crafted site is like a beacon in the digital night sky.

Now, let’s paint that picture. Diving into the elements of web design, we’re about to explore the core ingredients that make or break a website’s look, feel, and function.

Think of this as your exclusive map to mastering the visual language that captivates visitors and keeps them clicking.

By the time you reach the end of our digital odyssey, you’ll have unraveled the mystery behind a flawless user interface, decoded the secrets of responsive design, and why a site’s visual hierarchy can be the difference between a one-time visitor and a lifelong customer.

Whether you’re after an aesthetic that enchants or a layout that leads to conversion optimization, the treasure trove of knowledge tucked into this article will equip you with the power to transform any virtual space.

Let’s embark on this journey to ensure that your next web project doesn’t just function, it flourishes.

Purpose and Goal Alignment

When we dive deep into the essentials of a website, we often stumble upon the vital energies that shape its very existence.

It’s not just what meets the eye—those neon buttons or the sleek fades—but the undercurrents, the why behind the website’s very breath and heartbeat. At the core, every website whispers a purpose, hums with goals waiting to burst into fruition.

Defining Website Purpose

beinterior-700x385 The Essential Elements of Web Design Any Designer Should Know

Every structure has a foundation. For a website, it’s acknowledging what it’s meant to do. From there, a splendid journey begins.

Understanding Target Audience Needs and Aligning Design with Business Goals step up as the twin pillars supporting each other, bearing the weight of expectations, dreams, and the pragmatism of day-to-day functions.

Understanding Target Audience Needs

Imagine stepping into a room where the walls listen and the air responds to your every need. That’s the kind of environment a website should envelop its visitors in. Thorough research illuminates the user’s desires, pains, and digital footprints.

This knowledge is the compass that guides the navigation structure, ensuring that typography and all elements of web design cater to their taste.

It’s about walking in their shoes, discerning their heartbeat, maybe through clear call-to-action buttons or content hierarchy that sings relevance.

Aligning Design with Business Goals

Now, let’s play with the puzzle pieces of a company’s aspirations, arranging them until they fit the jigsaw of elements of web design.

These pieces are immutable truths, the brand identity that weaves through each pixel and code line.

Imagine color schemes that are not mere spectrums but evoke emotions, branding that arrives at your doorstep with familiarity and warmth. It’s about embedding conversion points elegantly, not like stones that trip, but as stepping-stones that guide.

Setting Measurable Objectives

weddingplanner-700x382 The Essential Elements of Web Design Any Designer Should Know

Objectives are stars guiding ships through the digital night. Setting them involves dangling the carrots of measurement—Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is one, Enhancing Brand Awareness is another, each with its own flavor, its unique crunch.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Performance indicators in the world of web are often numbers, percentages that twirl on dashboards. But it’s more than graphs—it’s about the visitor’s dance, choreographed by the elements of web design.

From speed optimization reducing wait times to interactive calls to action that prompt immediate responses—it’s an intricate ballet. Every micro-interaction, every hint of typography, every slice of imagery and multimedia is a performer on stage, aiming for the crescendo of a sale, a subscription, a lead.

Enhancing Brand Awareness

Caressing the tendrils of recognition, planting the seeds of remembrance—this is the art of brand awareness.

It’s akin to strolling through the website as though a gallery, with each navigation structure leading you through exhibitions of user interface design and graphicsResponsive layouts whisper the brand’s essence into the user’s consciousness.

These elements of web design merge, blend, and coalesce into an expression of intent—a firm handshake, a steady gaze into the digital future.

Each objective, each target in this kaleidoscope of responsive designmobile optimization, and more, pulses with the purpose of aligning the thrum of the website’s heart with the rhythm of business success.

Usability and User Experience

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Capturing the essence of a website goes beyond the mere visuals, it’s the feeling of empowerment and ease that users breathe in as they navigate. It’s this seamless flow, this intuitive dance between visitor and digital landscape, that truly shapes the soul of a site.

Simplifying Site Navigation – it’s like being the ultimate host at a grand party. Setting up signposts, laying crumb trails, creating a space where getting lost is pleasantly impossible.

Easy, fluid, it’s creating a clear path for even the most directionally challenged visitor. No clutter, no confusion, just a smooth stroll through a digital garden that feels like second nature.

The Impact on User Retention and Engagement – if visitors stick around, revel in the space created just for them, that’s when the magic happens. It’s like igniting a spark that keeps burning, keeps them coming back for more because here, in this crafted corner of the internet, they’ve found their comfy couch, their nook.

They stay, they play, they engage – it’s the silent applause for every well-thought-out user interface design plucked from the elements of web design.

Mobile Optimization

Importance of Responsive Design – in the palms of hands, the world unfolds, one swipe at a time. Sizes vary, from the smallest screens to the largest panels, and here lies the challenge: sculpting a website that gracefully stretches and shrinks, maintaining its poise no matter where it stands.

It’s crucial, it’s the now and the future, it’s molding the user experience to fit within the contours of our handheld realities.

Mobile-First Approach in Modern Web Design – begin where the pulse is strongest. The mobile wave isn’t cresting; it’s rolling, strong and steady, and to ride it is to start at its core.

A mobile-first design whispers of foresight, of understanding the tides. It’s shaping content, site architecture, and user interface elements to slip effortlessly into the stream of daily life, always within thumb’s reach.

Speed Optimization

Effects of Load Times on User Satisfaction – time is the currency of the digital age. Pennies of seconds, the ticking clock, weigh heavy on a visitor’s heart.

Quicken the pace, make pages fly open like birds set free, and watch as satisfaction soars. Greet with speed; it’s the silent music that plays between the clicks, the waits, and the reveals.

Strategies for Efficient Site Performance – juggling web design trends, bold images, and the wisps of animations while keeping a site light on its feet requires a maestro’s touch.

It’s in selecting the right web hosting, in compressing images without a sigh of pixel loss, in the coding standards that make browsers sing.

Swift, smart, it’s trimming the fat so the essence of all elements of web design sprints forward, unencumbered by the drag of digital excess.

This interplay between expressiveness and efficiency, between the welcoming arms of a site and the brisk snap of its performance, molds the journey of every traveler through the terrains of the digital world.

It’s a crafted, conscious celebration of connection, of drawing every dot and line in the portrait of elements of web design to resonate, to serve, to empower.

Aesthetic Elements and Visual Design

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In the whirlwind of pixels and palettes, each shade, each curve holds meaning. Picture a canvas where every stroke contributes to a larger narrative—a narrative that echoes the essence of a brand, weaving through the elements of web design with the finesse of a painter lost in their art.

Color Theory and Branding

Psychology of Color in Web Design

Step into a world where colors speak louder than words.

Here, hues aren’t just splashes on a screen; they’re whispers of emotion, tugging at the heartstrings, commanding attention, painting moods.

They’re meticulously chosen, not just for beauty but for their ability to communicate. It’s about picking that perfect blue that calms, that vibrant red that energizes—a palette that speaks the brand’s language.

Consistency with Brand Identity

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Colors are loyal companions to a brand’s soul, echoing its spirit across every digital corner. They stand guard, ensuring recognition, breeding familiarity.

When a visitor lands, greeted by that signature shade, they’re cloaked in a comforting blanket of brand identity. It’s the silent nod, the “you’re in the right place,” made not with words, but with consistent, thoughtful color choices woven through the entire tapestry of elements of web design.

Typography and Readability

Choosing the Right Font Types

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A different kind of artistry emerges in the realm of letters—a ballet of serifs and sans-serifs, each pirouetting on the stage of readability.

Selecting fonts is a balance of emotion and clarity; a play of personalities. It’s finding that distinct voice that speaks clearly, not just to the eyes, but to the heart, ensuring each word, each sentence lands with grace and purpose.

Ensuring Accessibility and Legibility

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Open the doors — let the light of accessibility shine through every line of text. Crafting web content so it can be consumed by all is not an afterthought; it’s a proclamation, a commitment to inclusivity where legibility reigns supreme.

It’s about striking the perfect size, the ideal spacing, ensuring a seamless experience regardless of ability, device, or situation, for each and every one who encounters the elements of web design.

Imagery and Multimedia

Role of High-Quality Visuals

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Envision a gallery within the digital landscape. This is a place where imagery doesn’t just exist; it speaks, tells stories, encapsulates moments.

High-quality visuals are the messengers of a brand’s narrative, delivering experiences that words alone cannot.

They’re chosen with a discerning eye, ensuring each photograph, illustration, or video complements the symphony of elements of web design.

Balancing Engagement with Page Load Speed

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Yet, in the gallery of the web, the beauty of imagery must harmonize with the melody of speed. It’s a performance, juggling stunning visuals with the swift beat of loading times.

It’s in the technical grace of image optimization, the behind-the-scene tweaks, and compression, that maintains visual eloquence without burdening the lightning feet of page performance. It’s the equilibrium, the perfect blend, ensuring a dance where neither footsteps nor the audience’s breath are ever out of sync.

Interaction and Dynamic Elements

Imagine a world where every click, every scroll tells a story. It’s an adventure laced with the expectation, where the silent conversation between a soul and a screen becomes a journey of discovery.

In this tale of interaction, every movement is a melody, and the elements of web design are the notes that make the music dance.

Engaging Users with Interactive Design

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When hands reach out to screens, it’s the unseen waltz of interactivity that beckons. It’s the sparkle of motion that catches the eye, drawing visitors down rabbit holes of engagement.

Memorable moments are born in the subtleties of hover effects, the small surprises that bloom when they’re least expected—a button changing color, a menu unveiling itself like a treasure map. This is where storytelling unfolds without a single word being uttered.

Use of Animations and Micro-interactions

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Softly, the visuals pulse, elements glide into view with an effortless grace. Lively animations and playful micro-interactions: they’re the winks, the knowing smiles of a site.

These are the sparks in the realm of elements of web design that transform the mundane into something magnetic, sticky, holding attention like a subtle magnet. It’s about knowing when to animate a graph, when to infuse life into a loading icon, making the wait almost as delightful as the reveal.

Risks of Overuse and User Overwhelm

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Yet, flashing lights and dancing graphics are a cacophony when overdone. It’s vital to not let the zest of dynamism drown the melody of simplicity.

Too much sugar spoils the brew, and so does an excessive serving of interactivity. There’s a thin line between enchantment and exhaustion, and the trick is to tiptoe on it gracefully—too many leaps, and the charm plummets into chaos.

Calls to Action (CTAs)

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Compel, don’t repel; invite, don’t demand. The digital world’s magic lies in choice, and the most potent of selections hinge on the tactful art of calls to action. It’s the open doorway beckoning, the unforced choice that feels like a natural next step.

Designing Effective CTAs

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Craft CTAs like a jeweler sets stones—each one placed with precision, drawing the eye, the cursor, the touch

. It’s integrating the magnetic force of words with the push and pull of colors and shapes. A button, a phrase, sculpted to resonate, to spark action as naturally as sunrise beckons the day.

It’s the punctuation in the paragraph, the climax in the narrative of elements of web design.

Placement and Visibility for Maximum Conversion

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Not hidden in shadows, not shrouded in mystery, but dipped in the light of visibility. It’s balancing prominence and subtlety, learning where the eye roams, where the heart follows.

Thoughtful placement isn’t just about being seen—it’s about being discovered at just the right moment when the whisper of need hums loudly enough to beckon a click, a tap, a touch. It’s finding the sweet spot on each page where intention and opportunity intertwine to form the perfect union, the hoped-for “yes.”

Accessibility and Inclusion

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Picture this: a space where every visitor, regardless of how they interact or perceive the world, finds a path tailored just for them. It’s a haven constructed with compassion at its core, where the elements of web design elegantly conjoin to embrace each unique individual.

In this realm, we’re all guests of honor, and the digital stage is set to celebrate our collective diversity.

Designing for All Users

Importance of Web Accessibility The Essential Elements of Web Design Any Designer Should Know

Dive into the deep blue of the internet ocean, and there, find a trove that’s reachable by everyone. It’s this concept of web accessibility that guides the hands to chisel doorways instead of walls.

Tapping into web content accessibility guidelines and responsive design principles, it’s carving out a user experience where the keys to navigation fit every hand, sight, and sound. It’s an embrace of inclusivity, where user experience (UX) isn’t just for the few but for the complete spectrum of humanity.

Implementing ARIA and Accessibility Best Practices

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Lend an ear to the whispers of best practices; they chatter among themselves, sharing secrets of a web that speaks with clarity to screen readers, that sing sign language with visual cues. Use ARIA—Accessible Rich Internet Applications—to articulate the silent yet significant elements of web design.

It’s like adding subtitles to a silent film, like scripting an audio description for a painting—it’s bringing the digital symphony to those who experience the world differently.

Cultural Sensitivity and Global Reach

Adapting Content for Diverse Audiences

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Imagine the globe, spun on the finger, countries blurring into a single, vibrant mosaic. Each piece of this puzzle thrums with history, culture, and voice. Adapting content isn’t just about translation—it’s the delicate art of cultural resonance.

It’s tailoring the elements of web design to speak in tongues that feel like home, that echo the local lingo, that resonate with idioms and gestures known and loved.

Language and Localization Strategies

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Think of the web as a marketplace that spans the planet, where each stall brims with the fragrance of the local soil. Language and localization strategies are the maps that guide visitors through this bazaar, signage that whispers “welcome” in a hundred dialects.

Infuse search engine optimization (SEO) with the local zest, sprinkle keywords that charm both the universal and the particular. It’s more than a word here or a currency switch there; it’s the crafting of an experience that honors the locale while cherishing the universal mosaic that is the internet.

FAQ On Elements Of Web Design

What’s the role of color in web design?

Colors aren’t just pretty; they’re communicators. They set the mood, influence emotions, and signal actions, like the bold red of a ‘Buy Now’ button. Choose your palette wisely to match your brand’s voice and improve user engagement.

How important is typography on a website?

Typography is a silent ambassador of your brand. Get it wrong, and it’s a visual hiccup. Get it right, and it guides users with ease, enhances readability, and maintains visual hierarchy on your page.

Can web design affect SEO?

Absolutely. Google adores websites that users love. Think mobile-friendly layouts, quick loading times, and intuitive navigation. Such responsive design isn’t just about looks, it’s about being found.

What does ‘responsive design’ truly mean?

Responsive design is the backbone of a universal web experience. It means your site looks great and works flawlessly, whether it’s on a desktop or a smartphone. It’s essential for reaching a wider audience and crucial for good UX.

Why is user experience (UX) critical in web design?

UX is like a great host at a party. It makes visitors feel welcome, guides them, and ensures they have a good time. Stellar UX leads to happier visitors, and that means more return visits and better conversion rates.

What makes a website’s layout effective?

A solid layout isn’t just about good looks. It’s about order and function. It should lead the eye naturally, prioritize important content, and promote easy navigation. This blend is the secret to a user-friendly interface.

How does website speed impact user engagement?

Speed is a silent killer of interest. Slow load times test patience and often send users straight to your competitors. Quick loading is key for user retention and overall experience.

What are the best practices for mobile web design?

With mobiles everywhere, best practices include a mobile-first approachtouchscreen-friendly navigation, and fast loading elements. It’s about making every smartphone user’s visit a breeze.

How does image optimization enhance web design?

Optimized images hit a sweet spot between quality and loading speed. They boost page performance and user engagement without weighing down the site. It’s visual appeal without the lag.

What’s the significance of white space in web design?

White space isn’t empty space, it’s a powerful design element. It breaks up clutter, highlights important content, and creates balance on a page. Used smartly, white space is a pause that gives viewers a break to understand and appreciate your content.


Let’s reel it back. We’ve navigated the spectrum, from color theories whispering brand stories to typography serenading our eyes through every sentence.

The goal? Crafting an immersive digital landscape where each element, each pixel, carries its weight, marrying form and function in a seamless user interface. It’s about stoking those fires of user engagement, where every navigation menu and call-to-action is a stepping stone in a journey, one that leads to destinations filled with conversions and echo with return visits.

  • Incorporating responsive design matters, more than ever before. It’s the digital glue that connects us across a constellation of devices.
  • Optimized images and strategic white space? They’re the silent ballerinas — graceful, powerful, and pivotal.

So, what have we learned? Each detail, from hover effects to grid systems, folds into a greater narrative. One where elements of web design harmonize to create experiences, not just web pages. Let’s not just design—let’s inspire.

If you liked this article about Elements of Web Design , you should also check out this one about the best veterinarian websites.

We also have similar articles about doctor websitesretail websitesmortgage websiteslandscaping websitesagriculture websiteselectrician websiteshealthcare websites, and house painters websites.

Yep! We really like websites, especially when we build them with BeTheme and the BeBuilder.

The post The Essential Elements of Web Design Any Designer Should Know appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones Sat, 23 Mar 2024 13:06:36 +0000 The appearance of websites changes constantly. In this continuously evolving industry, keeping up with the changes is essential if you want to be competitive. The current trend amongst top websites is to feature animation.

The post Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones appeared first on Be Theme Blog.

The appearance of websites changes constantly. In this continuously evolving industry, keeping up with the changes is essential if you want to be competitive. The current trend amongst top websites is to feature animation.

Web developers offer a wide range of excellent animations. Some may be only subtle changes in positions, while others can perform transitions and create interactions with the user. This article will explore websites with inspiring and original animation effects, to help you add that special touch to your own website and make it outstanding.

43 Impressive Animated Website Examples

Illustrations and animation are elements that attract and keep viewers, so inserting as many visuals as possible and will help make the website dynamic.


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madwell Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Madwell uses motion as a method to occupy the user’s interest while the information loads. The appearance of each element is like the next chapter from a story, creating anticipation. The menu buttons open quickly and send you to the gallery or portfolio sections.


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14islands Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This firm is more about creativity than calculus, so they will bring life into your company, and their website reflects this very well.

Your Plan, Your Planet

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your-plan-your-planet Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Powered by Google and designed by Media Monks, this website has brought motion and animation to an entirely new level. Creating a sustainable environment and learning about the needs of our planet has never been easier and the learning process is entertaining, due to the multitude of games and tips.

Les Animals

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Les-Animals Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

“Hold the spacebar to start” is the usual message when launching a game. Les Animals uses this trick to transport you into a virtual world of transitions and breathtaking 3D environments.


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platform-1 Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

The Platform wants to know its users, so their website begins with a set of 13 questions about your company’s needs and perspectives. This engaging questionnaire is followed by some estimations and appropriate advice.

Néhémie Dias

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Néhémie-Dias Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This website presents Néhémie Dias’s portfolio and her experience as an Art Director and Motion Designer in an engaging and attractive way.

The Hunt for the Cheshire Cat

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The-Hunt-for-the-Cheshire-Cat Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This company knows its treasure-hunting audience, proven by their 3D city, where you can wander along streets and read the story of Cheshire Cat.

Species in Pieces

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species-in-pieces.com_ Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This is an animation website that presents the story of 30 species in 30 pieces. The exhibition is very entertaining, and you can discover a lot of interesting information in a fun way from your own sofa.

60 FPS

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60-FPS Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This is a serious and classy website. The images smoothly replace each other while scrolling, revealing more art pieces and projects. The designers have paid great attention to detail, such as the responsive background that builds the logo when you hover over it.

Arrive Hydrated

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Arrive-Hydrated Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

The main attraction of this website is the moving globe, which changes locations automatically, informing you about the weather conditions around the world. This is very helpful for choosing a suitable destination for your next trip.

Moon Exhibition

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Moon-Exhibition Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This website puts plenty of images onto a striking yellow background. One of them will definitely catch your attention. Then hover over the chosen image and it will increase in size, letting you see the beauty inside the art.

Miki Mottes

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Miki-Mottes Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Miki Mottes’ website is sheer joy, with its very interesting characters, in strange and beautiful environments, welcoming you.


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Spire Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

The animations on this website, are small and subtle, letting you discover them one by one. The transitions are natural and smooth. Looking through all the pages of the website is like taking a long, revitalizing walk.

Jannata resort

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Jannata-resort Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

The sliding cover reveals a slideshow of moving images from the Jannata resort. Then you can scroll down and discover the area in depth. For immediate booking, the button is on the right part of the screen. The views are stunning.

ISI Global

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ISI-Global-1 Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

ISI Global is a forward-thinking retail design agency offering an end to end service.


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Genesis Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

The animation of this website is refreshingly original. It continuously surprises you, especially given this is a restaurant’s website. They borrowed the story of human evolution and adapted it to their business philosophy.

Nico Cherubin

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Nico-Cherubin Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This website has an aura of mystery. The letter marks have a complex design, and perform a continuous waving motion. The deft touch is the green neon color, present on thin lines and small text pieces.


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protopie Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

ProtoPie presents cool CSS animation examples that prove that attracting your viewers’ attention is not as hard as you might think.

Alpa Capital investment

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Alpa-Capital-investment Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This web application becomes increasingly interesting and attractive when you start “investing”.


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KIKK Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This is the website of a cultural festival that last took place in Belgium 2018. The lens around the cursor allows you to break the blue filter and discover the insights of this initiative. These cool animation examples add to the micro-interactions and frequent color changes.

Active Theory

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Active-Theory Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This website gives you an electronic vibe and the feeling of discovering a new city. Dark alleys are filled with bright neon colors and the atmosphere is tempting and harmonious.


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Roxtaw-1 Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Roxtaw invests and scales “brands exponentially to that 10-figure milestone”. The top illustration of the website is a great metaphor for this goal.


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Visme Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

The typing and deleting animations effect is always popular. Visme’s website uses this effect well and reflects the company’s aesthetic taste and stylish approach.

KD Capital

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KD-Capital Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

\”Finding the circles amongst the squares\” is the motto of the company. Viewers can also visualize it on the website due to the innovative website animations.

Teatr Lalka

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Teatr-Lalka Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This impressive animated website makes theatre attractive for kids. Your child will enjoy playing with the virtual puppets by moving the cursor left and right.

Onedesign company

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Onedesign-company Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Diverting your viewer’s attention and keeping them entertained during loading time will generate positive feedback and Onedesign’s website has mastered these techniques by using effective animations.


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hope Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This combination of music and illustrations offers hope and encouragement during these difficult times.

Toggl Plan

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toggl-up Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

These illustrations and their actions will make planning your time and project very entertaining indeed.


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Vertbase Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Vertbase’s website utilizes small and subtle illustrations to introduce meaningful motion to the page.

Chiara Luzzana

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Chiara-Luzzana Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Sound design is also an important element on a website. As a professional in this field, Chiara has provided a special acoustic touch to her website, adding to its originality.

Dore Partnership

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Dore-Partnership Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Remember those satisfying clips with moving balls that went viral on social media some time ago? You can see them again here and enjoy the pleasure.


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Lavva Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

The green illustrations work perfectly with the company’s products and their beliefs.

Björn Wieland – Portfolio

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Björn-Wieland-Portfolio Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This website presents the Portfolio of Björn Wieland, a UI-Designer & Developer from Germany.

PBSC Urban Solutions

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PBSC-Urban-Solutions Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

PBSC Urban Solutions aligns with people’s current needs and builds their website accordingly. The transitions are smooth and captivating, and the design illustrations, using realistic images, are excellent.

Roll Park

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Roll-Park Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This website builds itself while you’re scrolling down the page, surprising you with the new slides, and the information you receive is important and useful.


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WEAR-TRBL Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Online fashion can be very cool and WE+AR TRBL is a fashion startup that proves this.


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Miravel Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Good sectioning and clear contrast make this website shine. The animations are subtle, helping you discover the website showcasing their contemporary and innovative business idea.

Likely Story

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Likely-Story Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This website is very appealing with minimalist illustrations and saturated background colors and a story that writes itself.

The Templeton Prize

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The-Templeton-Prize Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

The great animations of this website work with a variety of colors and intriguingly keep them in motion.

The Power of Sound

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The-Power-of-Sound Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This website raises awareness about the importance of green energy and will transport you to this world and helps you understand the basic concepts.

Future Living

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futureliving Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This website explores the future of our planet in an informative and entertaining way.

Daniele Buffa – Portfolio

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Daniele-Buffa-Portfolio Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Fading and enhancing are the fundamental effects of this website, presenting the portfolio of the Visual & Interaction Designer, Daniele Buffa.

Java Saga Coffee

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java-saga Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This new type of scrolling is like a virtual tour, and its best usage is storytelling and building brand images.

Best Tools for Website Animation

Whole page transitions, as well as small movements of elements, are the primary features of animated websites.

Creating even a tiny motion requires certain tools and plenty of ideas. The content on your page has to be dynamic, interactive, and engaging for all users, so you need to find the perfect tool for your website.

The following list should help you decide which tool is best for you.

Google Web Designer

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google-web-designer Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Powered by Google, this tool is free and very efficient and includes such features as:

Create design and motion graphic on HTML5

Build responsive ad banners

Create CSS, JavaScript, and XML files with code autocompletion

Express Animate

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Express-Animate Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

You don’t have to be a programmer to use this tool. The interface is beginner-friendly and intuitive. The most entertaining graphic motions and effects are only a click away.

Try all the functions and features to include new smooth transitions, animated GIFs, and video sequences on your animated website.


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bounce-js Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Bounce.js will let you play with some CSS animation examples. Simply select your component and change the settings according to your imagination. When you’ve finished, export the animated file and use it on your website.


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Koolmoves Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This is an interesting tool for animated websites on HTML5. Koolmoves’ features include special effects on text and images, slide shows, and buttons. They are all fully responsive for mobile devices.

Magic Animations

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Magic-Animations Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Magic Animations is one of the biggest animation libraries available and can literally do magic with your website. There is a list of different types of movements that you can combine to create unique visuals.


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anijs Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

AnijS proposes some of the basic functions to make your website work – If, On, Do, To. Using these and some imagination, you can create extraordinary effects.

GreenSock (GSAP)

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greensock Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This is an endless source of inspiration for a new animation system on your website.


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animate-css Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Many CSS effects you’ve seen might have been taken from Animate.css. This library is very accessible, even for beginners. Its biggest advantage is that the user can easily link the CSS and add the CSS classes to the HTML elements.


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snabbtjs Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

A simple visual design covers efficient and fast animations. These effects will not inhibit the speed of your website and will preserve its responsiveness.


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kute-js Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This is the JavaScript animation engine of the future. It is the magic behind Spicr, and is the result of hard work, a bridge between old and new, and the dream and inspiration.


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ScrollMagic Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

ScrollMagic is a plugin, which means you can easily install, enable, and use it. Users generally use it to animate elements while scrolling or hovering.


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choreographer-js Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This library is worth mentioning due to its suitable effects for any type of website or design.


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css-shake Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This library proves that shaking effects can be incredibly varied. You will find the best shake motion for whatever image you want to create.


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velocity Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

Velocity is an animation engine with the same API as jQuery\’s $.animate(). It works with and without jQuery. It\’s fast, and features color animation, transforms, loops, easings, SVG support, and scrolling.


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ng-fx Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This is another version of the Animate.css app which enables you to start with zero setups on your elements and build their motion on the way. You have both the features of a great app and the freedom of choice.

Tween JS

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tween-js Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones

This is a JavaScript dedicated library, with elements compatible with the EaselJS library. The tweening effect is versatile and this program will help you master it.

Ending thoughts on these animated websites

Creating animated websites is a pleasant challenge, which makes you dive deep into your imagination and wisdom and use your skills to optimum advantage.

Motion, graphics, and interactions will pave the way for amazing user experiences.

These 43 animated websites along with the useful tools will help you build your website successfully.

However, you may still need help, and Be Theme is here for you. These are just some of the functionalities you will benefit from:

Choose between the popular Muffin Builder 3 and WPBakery

Choose the layout you find suitable. You don’t have to build every page from scratch.

Work quickly and be efficient. No coding experience or knowledge needed. Use the shortcuts and the drag&drop functions.

Use the Admin’s Panel from Be and take advantage of its unmatched flexibility.

If you enjoyed reading this article about animated websites , you should read these as well:

Amazing Colorful Websites With Vibrant Color Schemes

Weird Websites Created by Designers With Too Much Free Time

The coolest black websites you can find online

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The post Impressive Animated Websites and Tools to Create Similar Ones appeared first on Be Theme Blog.
